Always snap to grid
UE1:SpecialEvent (U1)
Special events can be used to display messages and one of the following actions:
- play a sound locally or globally (PlaySoundEffect and PlayersPlaySoundEffect states)
- set the player's AmbientSound (PlayAmbientSound state)
- damage or kill players (DamageInstigator and KillInstigator states)
- send players on an interpolated path like in Unreal.unr and CityIntro.unr, the intro maps of Unreal and UT respectively (PlayerPath state)
To select the type of additional action, set the Object -> InitialState property to the desired state.
Property group 'SpecialEvent'[edit]
Type: bool
If set to True, the Message will not only be sent to the player who activated the SpecialEvent, but also to all other players. The message string will be displayed in the middle of the HUD in a large blue font when broadcasted.
Type: bool
Type: int
The amount of damage to apply in DamageInstigator state.
Type: string
Modifiers: localized
The death message for DamageInstigator and KillInstigator states. Requires the DamageType to be 'SpecialDamage'.
Type: name
The damage type for DamageInstigator and KillInstigator states. This determines the death message and possibly other effects. 'SpecialDamage' will allow you to specify a DamageString to use as death message. See damage types for other damage type names with special meaning.
Type: string
Modifiers: localized
The message to display when this SpecialEvent is triggered.
Type: Sound
The sound effect to play in PlaySoundEffect and PlayersPlaySoundEffect states.
Default values[edit]
Property | Value |
Texture | Texture'Engine.S_SpecialEvent' |
Overrides: Actor.Trigger
Displays the Message to the EventInstigator or broadcasts it to all players, depending on the value of bBroadcast.
In this state, the SpecialEvent damages the player triggering it in addition to displaying the specified message.
Overrides: Trigger (global)
In addition to the global Trigger event's effect, also applies damage to the EventInstigator.
This state actually doesn't change the behavior of the SpecialEvent. It is exactly the same as if 'None' was selected as initial state, but the mapper's intend might be more obvious if this state is selected instead of 'None'.
In this state the SpecialEvent instantly kills the player triggering it in addition to displaying the specified message.
Overrides: Trigger (global)
In addition to the global Trigger event's effect, also kills the EventInstigator.
In this state the SpecialEvent sets the triggering player's AmbientSound it in addition to displaying the specified message.
Overrides: Trigger (global)
In addition to the global Trigger event's effect, also sets the EventInstigator AmbientSound to this SpecialEvent's AmbientSound.
Sends the triggering player on an interpolation path whose InterpolationPoints have the same Tag as this SpecialEvent's Event value. This only works offline, though.
Overrides: Trigger (global)
If offline and triggered by a player, the player is set up to follow the specified interpolation path.
Globally plays a sound effect for all players it in addition to displaying the specified message.
Overrides: Trigger (global)
Plays the sound effect for all players.
Plays a sound effect at the SpecialEvent's location it in addition to displaying the specified message.
Overrides: Trigger (global)
Plays the sound effect for the SpecialEvent.