Once I get that upgrade to 36-hour days, I will tackle that. – Mychaeel


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Revision as of 09:02, 26 August 2008 by Raven (Talk | contribs) (New page: __TOC__ ==About== This is simple preprocessor for UnrealEngine 1. It was inspired by UnrealEngine 3 build-in preprocessor. ==Install== Copy files in the archive to your <Udir>/system fold...)

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This is simple preprocessor for UnrealEngine 1. It was inspired by UnrealEngine 3 build-in preprocessor.


Copy files in the archive to your <Udir>/system folder.


link: http://turniej.unreal.pl/files/uenginepp.zip (~570 kb)


It's copy of UT3 preprocessor. Currently supported directives are:

`process - should be in the first line of .uc file. Tells preprocessor to parse file
`include file - embade file in the currently opened .uc
`inc_process file - embade file in the currently opened .uc and parses it
`define variable - defines empty variable (used in `ifdef and `ifndef directives)
`define variable=value - defines variable with specified value
`write variable - writes defined variable
`ifdef variable - evaluates to true if variable is defined
`ifndef variable - evaluates to true if variable is not defined
`else  - part of conditional statement
`endif - ends conditional statement
`check definition==value - evaluates to true if defined variable (definition) equals value. Used in strings, floats, integers.
`check definition<>value - evaluates to true if defined variable (definition) does not match value. Used in strings, floats, integers.
`check definition>value - evaluates to true if defined variable (definition) is greater then value. Used in floats, integers.
`check definition<value - evaluates to true if defined variable (definition) is less then value. Used in floats, integers.

Commandline parameters

utpreprocessor <project_dir>/<project_file> <modifiers>


<project_dir> - relative project directory.
<project_file> - file (.upc extension) conaining all options. If file is detected, no fuhrer modifiers are checked.


-clean - deletes preprocessor directives from .uc file
-debug - turns on debug mode (prints every operation on parsed .uc file)
-make <ini file> - runs ucc.exe with specified ini
-h - prints help
-global someglobal=somevalue - defines global variable

Project file

[project]                 - project informations
path=path                 - path to project
debug=true                - turns on debug mode (prints every operation on parsed .uc)
make=true                 - if true, ucc will be executed
make_ini=ini_file.ini     - if present runs ucc.exe with specified ini
clean=true                - if true will delete preprocessor directives
output=folder             - override default output folder where parsed .uc files are written
input=folder              - override default input folder where parsed .uc files are stored
[globals]                 - group contatin global variables for whole project
someglobal=somevalue      - global variable (sample)



Note that project file must have upc extension, and 'path' must be relative to uenginepp.exe location. Default location to files with preprocessor headers is:


parsed .uc files will be stored in:


Let's say you have project file in <UDir>/system called RUI.upc with content:


whe you'll call uenginepp.exe RUI.upc parser will process all files in classes_ucp, and generates output code in classes, which will be striped out (or not) from preprocessor directives. Let's say you have class:

`define int1=120
`define int2=123
`define nc=var() class<actor> NewActor;
class PreProcessorTest extends Actor;
`check int1>int2
var() int test1;
var() int test2;
`write nc

You run preprocessor and:

1. directive `process is found, so preprocessor knows that this class has to be parsed. 2. directive `define is found. Preprocessor assign to const int1 value 120 3. directive `define is found. Preprocessor assign to const int1 value 123 4. directive `define is found. Preprocessor assign to const nc value var() class<actor> NewActor; 5. it detects `check directive and compare int1 and int2. because int1 is smaller then int2, expression evaluates to false and all next lines are skipped and deleted 6. it detects `else directive. preprocessor stops deleting lines and searches for next directives 7. var() int test2; is not detected as directive so it's left alone 8. directive `write is detected. preprocessor searches for variable named nc and (if found) writes it in .uc file 9. directive `endif stops conditional expression

output .uc file in classes will look like:

class PreProcessorTest extends Actor;
var() int test2;
var() class<actor> NewActor;

Same output code with clean turned off:

//`#define int1=120
//`#define int2=123
//`#define nc=var() class<actor> NewActor;
class PreProcessorTest extends Actor;
//`#check int1>int2
//`#var() int test1;
var() int test2;
var() class<actor> NewActor; //`#write nc

Of course input file can look different, but most important thing is to write `process in first line.