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UE2:ACTION_ShootTarget (UT2004)

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UT2004 Object >> ScriptedAction >> ACTION_ShootTarget
This class in other games:
UE2Runtime, UT2003, U2

Instructs a scripted AI player to fire a certain number of shots at its designated target. Use ACTION_SetViewTarget to set a target. Note that ACTION_TurnTowardPlayer also sets the player as target.

This action is not explicitly disallowed for ScriptedTriggers, but it doesn't really make sense to use it there.


Property group 'Action'[edit]


Type: bool

Whether to fire all shots as quickly as possible.


Type: name

The firing mode to use. Doesn't actually have any effect for stock weapons, but could be processed in a custom weapon's BotFire() function.


Type: int

The number of shots to fire.

Default values[edit]

Property Value
ActionString "shoot target"

Instance functions[edit]


function bool InitActionFor (ScriptedController C)

Overrides: ScriptedAction.InitActionFor

Instructs the AI controller to fire its pawn's weapon at the target.