Cogito, ergo sum
UE2:ComboCrate (UT2003)
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Revision as of 12:36, 13 August 2009 by Wormbo (Talk | contribs) (same as UT2004 version except for ComboAnnouncementName)
The "Camouflaged" adrenaline combo.
Type: CrateActor
A reference to the StaticMesh actor attached to the player
Default values
Property | Value |
Duration | 45.0 |
ExecMessage | "Camouflaged!" |
keys[0] | 4 |
keys[1] | 4 |
keys[2] | 4 |
keys[3] | 4 |
Instance functions
function StartEffect (xPawn P)
Overrides: Combo.StartEffect
Spawns the Effect actor.
function StopEffect (xPawn P)
Overrides: Combo.StopEffect
Destroys the Effect actor.