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UE2:STY_ComboListBox (UE2Runtime)

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UE2Runtime Object >> GUI >> GUIStyles >> STY_SquareButton >> STY_ListBox >> STY_ComboListBox


This class in other games:
UT2003, UT2004, UT2004

Class: XInterface.STY_ListBox Parent: XInterface.STY_SquareButton

Background style for the actual combo area of the listbox i.e. when the menu is not expanded (I think ?)

Default values[edit]

Property Value
Images[0] Texture'GUIContent.Menu.EditBoxDown'
Images[1] Texture'GUIContent.Menu.EditBoxDown'
Images[2] Texture'GUIContent.Menu.EditBoxDown'
Images[3] Texture'GUIContent.Menu.EditBoxDown'
KeyName "ComboListBox"