UE2:WeaponInvRocketCannon (U2XMP)
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$Workfile: weaponInvRocketCannon.uc $ Created By: Sam Brown Created On: 1/14/00 $Author: Sbrown $ $Date: 10/08/02 15:17 $ $Revision: 5 $
Default values
Property | Value |
AmmoName | Class'U2XMP.ammoInvRocket' |
bRecommendSplashDamage | True |
bSplashDamage | True |
bWarnTarget | True |
DownTime | 0.0 |
FireSound | Sound'U2XMPA.RocketTurret.RocketTurretFire' |
FireTime | 1.0 |
FireTimeMax | 2.5 |
FireTimeMin | 1.5 |
ImpactHandlerClass | Class'U2Weapons.impactHeavyRocket' |
ItemName | "Rocket Cannon" |
MyDamageType | Class'U2.DamageTypePhysical' |
PickupAmmoCount | 5 |
ProjectileClass | Class'U2XMP.projectileRocket' |
ReloadTime | 0.0 |
SelectTime | 0.0 |
SoundRadius | 1024.0 |