I love the smell of UnrealEd crashing in the morning. – tarquin

UE3:AnimNodeBlendMultiBone (UDK)

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UDK Object >> AnimObject >> AnimNode >> AnimNodeBlendBase >> AnimNodeBlendMultiBone
This class in other games:


Property group 'AnimNodeBlendMultiBone'


Type: array<ChildBoneBlendInfo>

List of blend targets - one per bone to blend

Internal variables


Type: array<byte>

Modifiers: transient

Indices of bones required from Source (at LOD 0), if Target's weight is 1.0. Bones are only in this array if their per-bone weight is <1.0 (or they have a child in the array). Indices should be strictly increasing.

Default values

Property Value
CategoryDesc "Filter"
Member Value
Name 'Source'
Weight 1.0
Member Value
Name 'Target'



Modifiers: native

array<float> TargetPerBoneWeight 
Weight scaling for each bone of the skeleton. Must be same size as RefSkeleton of SkeletalMesh. If all 0.0, no animation can ever be drawn from Child2.
name InitTargetStartBone 
Used in InitAnim, so you can set up partial blending in the defaultproperties. See SetTargetStartBone.
float InitPerBoneIncrease 
Used in InitAnim, so you can set up partial blending in the defaultproperties. See SetTargetStartBone.
name OldStartBone 
Old StartBone, to monitor changes
float OldBoneIncrease 
Old OldBoneIncrease, to monitor changes
array<byte> TargetRequiredBones 
Indices of bones required from Target (at LOD 0), if Target's weight is >0.0.

Bones are only in this array if their per-bone weight is >0.0 (or they have a child in the array). Indices should be strictly increasing.

Default values:

Property Value
InitPerBoneIncrease 1.0

Native functions


native noexport final function SetTargetStartBone (int TargetIdx, name StartBoneName, optional float PerBoneIncrease)

Updating the StartBoneName or PerBoneIncrease, will cause the TargetPerBoneWeight to be automatically re-updated, you'll loose custom values!