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UE3:UTCustomChar_Data structs (UT3)

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UT3 Object >> UTCustomChar_Data (structs)



Modifiers: native

Structure defining a pre-made character in the game.

string CharID 
Short unique string .
string CharName 
Friendly name for character.
string Description 
Localized description of the character.
string PreviewImageMarkup 
Preview image markup for the character.
string Faction 
Faction to which this character belongs (e.g. IronGuard).
CustomCharData CharData 
What this character looks like.
CustomAIData AIData 
AI personality
string ExtraInfo 
any extra properties of this character (for mod use)
bool bLocked 
whether this character shows up in menus by default
bool bRestrictInSinglePlayer 
If true, this character will never be used for a random character in a single player game


Modifiers: native

Structure defining setup for capturing character portrait bitmap.

name CenterOnBone 
Name of bone to center view on.
Object.Vector MeshOffset 
Translation of mesh (applied on top of CenterOnBone alignment.
Object.Rotator MeshRot 
Rotation of mesh.
float CamFOV 
FOV of camera.
Object.Rotator DirLightRot 
Directional light rotation.
float DirLightBrightness 
Directional light brightness.
Object.Color DirLightColor 
Directional light color.
Object.Rotator DirLight2Rot 
Directional light rotation.
float DirLight2Brightness 
Directional light brightness.
Object.Color DirLight2Color 
Directional light color.
Object.Rotator DirLight3Rot 
Directional light rotation.
float DirLight3Brightness 
Directional light brightness.
Object.Color DirLight3Color 
Directional light color.
float SkyBrightness 
Skylight brightness.
Object.Color SkyColor 
Sky light color
float SkyLowerBrightness 
Sky lower brightness
Object.Color SkyLowerColor 
Sky lower colour
Object.Vector PortraitBackgroundTranslation 
Position of background mesh
int TextureSize 
Size of texture to render to


Modifiers: native

information about AI abilities/personality (generally map directly to UTBot properties)

float Tactics 
float StrafingAbility 
float Accuracy 
float Aggressiveness 
float CombatStyle 
float Jumpiness 
float ReactionTime 
string FavoriteWeapon 
full path to class of bot's favorite weapon

Default values:

Property Value
Aggressiveness 0.4
CombatStyle 0.2


Modifiers: native

Structure defining a complete custom character, along with the faction and its name.

string BasedOnCharID 
Used to find voice-pack etc, and as fallback character setup.
string FamilyID 
This defines which 'set' of parts we are drawing from.
string HeadID 
string HelmetID 
string FacemaskID 
string GogglesID 
string TorsoID 
string ShoPadID 
bool bHasLeftShoPad 
bool bHasRightShoPad 
string ArmsID 
string ThighsID 
string BootsID 


Modifiers: native

bool bMergeInProgress 
bool bInvalidChar 
Indicates that this character will not be valid (missing important part for example).
bool bPushOutLODTransitions 
If true, this char changes LOD further away - set when using Self or Full texture detail.
bool bUseKrallRules 
bool bUseNecrisMaleRules 
bool bUseNecrisFemaleRules 
CustomCharData CharData 
string TeamString 
SkeletalMesh UseMesh 
If mesh is created and passed in - this is it - the one to place resulting merge mesh into.
Texture2DComposite HeadTextures[5]  
Texture2DComposite BodyTextures[5]  
MaterialInstanceConstant DefaultHeadMIC 
MaterialInstanceConstant DefaultBodyMIC 


Modifiers: native

Structure defining one part of a custom character.

ECharPart Part 
Which 'slot' this part is for.
string ObjectName 
Name of actual SkeletalMesh object to find for this part.
string PartID 
Short ID used within the CustomCharData.
string FamilyID 
'Set' to which this part belongs. All parts of a CustomCharData belong to the same family.
bool bNoGoggles 
If true, do not show goggles when this part is equipped. Only used on Helmets.
bool bNoFacemask 
If true, do not show facemask when this part is equipped. Only used on Helmets.
bool bUseNeckStumpForHead 
If true, when using this helmet, use the neck stump mesh instead of real head. Only used on Helmets.


Modifiers: native

Structure defining information about a particular faction (eg. Ironguard)

string Faction 
string PreviewImageMarkup 
Preview image markup for the faction.
string FriendlyName 
Localized version of the faction name to display in the UI.
string Description 
Description of the faction.