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UE3:OnlineSubsystem structs (UDK)

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UDK Object >> OnlineSubsystem (structs)

;Other member categories for this class::enums



Modifiers: native

Holds the information contained in Live's achievements for this title

int Id 
The ID of the achievement
string AchievementName 
The name of the achievement
string Description 
The description of the achievement
string HowTo 
The description of how to meet the requirements of the achievement
Surface Image 
The image associated with the achievement
int GamerPoints 
How much this achievement is worth
bool bIsSecret 
Whether the achievement is secret (hidden if not achieved) or not
bool bWasAchievedOnline 
Whether the achievement awarded online or not
bool bWasAchievedOffline 
Whether the achievement awarded offline or not


Modifiers: native

Community file info

int ContentId 
Unique identifier for this content file
int FileId 
Additional identifier for providers that need it
int ContentType 
Game specific content type field
int FileSize 
Size in bytes of the payload in the file
UniqueNetId Owner 
The original owner of the file
int DownloadCount 
The number of times this file has been downloaded
float AverageRating 
The average rating for this file from the community
int RatingCount 
The number of times this file has been rated
int LastRatingGiven 
The last rating the user gave this content
string LocalFilePath 
The path to the file if stored locally


Modifiers: native

Community file metadata

int ContentType 
Unique identifier for this content type
array<Settings.SettingsProperty> MetadataItems 
Metadata to associate with the file


Modifiers: native

Used to bulk query the friends list

UniqueNetId UniqueId 
The unique player id to check friends status for
bool bIsFriend 
Out param indicating whether the player is a friend or not


Modifiers: native

Information about a local talker

bool bHasVoice 
Whether this talker is currently registered
bool bHasNetworkedVoice 
Whether the talker should send network data
bool bIsRecognizingSpeech 
Whether the player is trying to speak voice commands
bool bWasTalking 
Whether the local talker was speaking last frame
bool bIsTalking 
Whether the remote talker is speaking this frame
bool bIsRegistered 
Whether this player was already registered with the voice interface or not


Modifiers: native

Holds a named object interface for dynamically bound interfaces

name InterfaceName 
The name to bind this object to
Object InterfaceObject 
The object to store at this location


Modifiers: native

Holds a name to class name mapping for adding the named interfaces automatically

name InterfaceName 
The name to bind this object to
string InterfaceClassName 
The class to load and create for the named interface


Modifiers: native

Holds the per session information for named sessions

name SessionName 
The name of the session
pointer{void} SessionInfo 
The platform specific session information
OnlineGameSettings GameSettings 
The game settings associated with this session
array<OnlineRegistrant> Registrants 
List of players registered in the session
array<OnlineArbitrationRegistrant> ArbitrationRegistrants 
The set of registered players for arbitration


Extends: OnlineRegistrant

Modifiers: native

Struct holding the information about a single arbitration registrant

Object.qword MachineId 
Unique id of the machine involved in the arbitrated session
int Trustworthiness 
Trust level of the machine/player for the arbitrated session


Modifiers: native

Holds information about a single piece of downloaded content

int UserIndex 
Optional user index that content is downloaded for (-1 means it's not associated with any user)
string FriendlyName 
Displayable name of the content
string ContentPath 
File system usable reference to the content
array<string> ContentPackages 
List of packages in the content
array<string> ContentFiles 
List of all non-package files in the content


Modifiers: native

Holds information about a player in a friends list

UniqueNetId UniqueId 
Unique identifier of the friend
Object.qword SessionId 
The session id that the player is in
string NickName 
Player's nick as published to the online service
string PresenceInfo 
String holding information about the player's game state (cap-ed flag, etc.)
EOnlineFriendState FriendState 
The current state for this friend
bool bIsOnline 
Whether the friend is online or not
bool bIsPlaying 
Whether the friend is playing a game or not
bool bIsPlayingThisGame 
Whether the friend is playing the same game or not
bool bIsJoinable 
Whether the game the friend is in is joinable or not
bool bHasVoiceSupport 
Whether the friend can chat via voice or not
bool bHaveInvited 
Whether the friends has an invitation outstanding from you or not
bool bHasInvitedYou 
Whether the friends has sent an invite to you or not


Modifiers: native

Holds the data used in a friend message

UniqueNetId SendingPlayerId 
The player that is sending the message
string SendingPlayerNick 
The nick name of the player that sent the message
bool bIsFriendInvite 
Whether this is a friend invite or just a generic message
bool bIsGameInvite 
Whether this message is a game invite or not
bool bWasAccepted 
Whether the invite has been accepted or not
bool bWasDenied 
Whether the invite has been denied or not
string Message 
The corresponding message that was sent


Modifiers: native

Holds information about a player in a friends list

UniqueNetId UniqueId 
Unique identifier of the friend
string Nickname 
The player's nickname
byte LocalUserNum 
The local controller id if local
ENATType NatType 
The NAT type for this player
int TitleId 
The title id of the title the player is in
bool bIsLocal 
Whether the player is local to this machine or remote
bool bIsInPartyVoice 
Whether the player is in party voice or game voice
bool bIsTalking 
Whether the player is talking or not
bool bIsInGameSession 
Whether the player is in a game session
pointer{void} SessionInfo 
The platform specific session information
Object.qword Data1 
The first 8 bytes of custom application data
Object.qword Data2 
The second 8 bytes of custom application data


Modifiers: native

Struct holding information used when writing scoring information that is used to determine a player's skill rating

UniqueNetId PlayerId 
The player that this score is for
int TeamId 
The team that the player is on
int Score 
The score for this player


Modifiers: native

A player in a session

UniqueNetId PlayerNetId 
Unique id of the player involved in the arbitrated session


Modifiers: native

Information about a remote talker

UniqueNetId TalkerId 
The unique id for this talker
bool bWasTalking 
Whether the remote talker was speaking last frame
bool bIsTalking 
Whether the remote talker is speaking this frame
bool bIsRegistered 
Whether this player was already registered with the voice interface or not


Holds a word/phrase that was recognized by the speech analyzer

Note: See VoiceInterface.h to change the native layout of this struct

int WordId 
The id of the word in the vocabulary
string WordText 
the actual word
float Confidence 
How confident the analyzer was in the recognition


Modifiers: native

Holds the data used in downloading a file asynchronously from the online service

string Filename 
The name of the file as requested
EOnlineEnumerationReadState AsyncState 
The async state the file download is in
array<byte> Data 
The buffer of data for the file


Modifiers: native

Struct that holds a transient, unique identifier for a player

Object.qword Uid 
The id used by the network to uniquely identify a player