I'm a doctor, not a mechanic
UE3:OnlineGameSearch (UT3)
- 1 Properties
- 1.1 AdditionalSearchCriteria
- 1.2 bIsDedicatedServerSearchInProgress
- 1.3 bIsFullServerUpdate
- 1.4 bIsLanQuery
- 1.5 bIsListenServerSearchInProgress
- 1.6 bIsListPlaySearchInProgress
- 1.7 bIsSearchInProgress
- 1.8 bShouldIncludeDedicatedServers
- 1.9 bShouldIncludeListenServers
- 1.10 bShouldIncludeListPlayServers
- 1.11 bUsesArbitration
- 1.12 ClientsideFilters
- 1.13 FilterQuery
- 1.14 GameSettingsClass
- 1.15 MaxSearchResults
- 1.16 NamedProperties
- 1.17 NumListPlayServersAvailable
- 1.18 Query
- 1.19 RawFilterQueries
- 1.20 RemainingFilterQueries
- 1.21 Results
- 1.22 SearchHandle
- 2 Enums
- 3 Structs
- 3.1 ClientOnlineGameSearchOrClause
- 3.2 ClientOnlineGameSearchParameter
- 3.3 NamedObjectProperty
- 3.4 OnlineGameSearchORClause
- 3.5 OnlineGameSearchParameter
- 3.6 OnlineGameSearchQuery
- 3.7 OnlineGameSearchResult
- 3.8 OnlineGameSearchSortClause
- 3.9 RawOnlineGameSearchOrClause
- 3.10 RawOnlineGameSearchParameter
- 3.11 RawOnlineGameSearchParameterTemplate
- 4 Delegates
- 5 Instance functions
- Package:
- Engine
- Direct subclass:
- UTGameSearchCommon
- This class in other games:
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Holds the base settings for an online game search
Type: string
String that is tacked onto the end of the search query
Type: bool
Modifiers: const
Whether the search object in question has a dedicated server search in progress or not
Type: bool
Modifiers: const
Whether or not this is a full server refresh (as compared to just a single server update)
Type: bool
Modifiers: databinding
Whether the query is intended for LAN matches or not
Type: bool
Modifiers: const
Whether the search object in question has a listen server search in progress or not
Type: bool
Modifiers: const
Whether the search object in question has a list play search in progress or not
Type: bool
Modifiers: const
Whether the search object in question is in progress or not. This is the union of the other flags
Type: bool
Modifiers: databinding
Whether the search should include dedicated servers or not
Type: bool
Modifiers: databinding
Whether the search should include listen servers or not
Default value: True
Type: bool
Modifiers: databinding
Whether the search should include list play servers or not
Type: bool
Modifiers: databinding
Whether to use arbitration or not
Type: array<ClientOnlineGameSearchOrClause>
A list of clientside filters which are ANDed together
Type: OnlineGameSearchQuery
Modifiers: const
Holds the query to use when filtering servers and they require non-predefined queries
Type: class<OnlineGameSettings>
The class to create for each returned result from the search
Default value: Class'Engine.OnlineGameSettings'
Type: int
Max number of queries returned by the matchmaking service
Default value: 25
Type: array<NamedObjectProperty>
The list of named properties to search on
Type: int
Modifiers: databinding
The total number of list play servers available if a list play search
Type: Settings.LocalizedStringSetting
The query to use for finding matching servers
Type: array<RawOnlineGameSearchOrClause>
A list of additional manually defined queries which are ANDed together
Type: array<RawOnlineGameSearchOrClause>
Modifiers: const
If 'FilterQuery'+'RawFilterQueries' exceeds Gamespy's query limit (512 bytes), the excess queries from 'RawFilterQueries' are put here for clientside filtering
Type: array<OnlineGameSearchResult>
Modifiers: const
The list of servers and their settings that match the search
Type: pointer{void}
Modifiers: native, const, transient, private
Platform specific data related to the game search
The type of comparison to perform on the search entry
- OGSCT_Equals
- OGSCT_NotEquals
- OGSCT_GreaterThan
- OGSCT_GreaterThanEquals
- OGSCT_LessThan
- OGSCT_LessThanEquals
The type of data to use to fill out an online parameter
- OGSET_Property
- A property is used to filter with
- OGSET_LocalizedSetting
- A localized setting is used to filter with
- OGSET_ObjectProperty
- A property on the game settings object to filter with
Used to indicate which way to sort a result set
- OGSSO_Ascending
- OGSSO_Descending
Modifiers: native
Matches parameters using a series of OR comparisions
- array<ClientOnlineGameSearchParameter> OrParams
- The list of parameters to compare and use as an OR clause
Extends: RawOnlineGameSearchParameterTemplate
Modifiers: native
Struct used to define a clientside filter, which is based upon the 'raw' game search parameter
- delegate<OnComparePropertyValue> ComparisonDelegate
- The delegate which is used to compare the parameter values, this must be set when adding to 'ClientsideFilters'
Modifiers: native
Used to search for named properties on game setting objects
- name ObjectPropertyName
- The name of the property to search with
- string ObjectPropertyValue
- The string value to compare against
Modifiers: native
Matches parameters using a series of OR comparisons
- array<OnlineGameSearchParameter> OrParams
- The list of parameters to compare and use as an OR clause
Modifiers: native
Struct used to describe a search criteria
- int EntryId
- The Id of the property or localized string
- name ObjectPropertyName
- The name of the property to search with
- EOnlineGameSearchEntryType EntryType
- Whether this parameter to compare against comes from a property or a localized setting
- EOnlineGameSearchComparisonType ComparisonType
- The type of comparison to perform
Modifiers: native
Struct used to describe a query
- array<OnlineGameSearchORClause> OrClauses
- A set of OR clauses that are ANDed together to filter potential servers
- array<OnlineGameSearchSortClause> SortClauses
- A list of sort operations used to order the servers that match the filtering
Modifiers: native
Struct used to return matching servers
- OnlineGameSettings GameSettings
- The settings used by this particular server
- pointer{void} PlatformData
- Platform/online provider specific data
NOTE: It is imperative that the subsystem be called to clean this data up or the PlatformData will leak memory!
- pointer{void} ServerSearchData
- Platform/online provider specific data
Modifiers: native
Struct used to describe the sorting of items
- int EntryId
- The Id of the property or localized string
- name ObjectPropertyName
- The name of the property to search with
- EOnlineGameSearchEntryType EntryType
- Whether this parameter to compare against comes from a property or a localized setting
- EOnlineGameSearchSortType SortType
- The type of comparison to perform
Modifiers: native
Matches raw parameters using a series of OR comparisons
- array<RawOnlineGameSearchParameter> OrParams
- The list of raw parameters to compare and use as an OR clause
Extends: RawOnlineGameSearchParameterTemplate
Modifiers: native
Struct used to define a 'raw' game search parameter, which is sent to the Gamespy master server (or evaluated clientside, if the query limit is reached)
- string ComparisonOperator
- NOTE: For the LIKE and NOT LIKE operators, you will need to add a space at the start of this string
Modifiers: native
Template struct used to define a search parameter with manually defined comparision operator and value fields
- int EntryId
- The Id of the property or localized string to be compared
- name ObjectPropertyName
- The name of the property to search with
- EOnlineGameSearchEntryType EntryType
- Whether this parameter to compare against comes from a property or a localized setting
- string EntryValue
- If set, this string overrides the above variables, and will represent the server property that will be compared
- string ComparedValue
- The value to be compared against (N.B. For string comparisons, % is a wildcard, e.g. '%test%')
Delegate template for comparing game search parameter values