UE3:SequenceFrame (UT3)

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UT3 Object >> SequenceObject >> SequenceFrame
Direct subclass:
This class in other games:

This class is used for rendering a box around a group of kismet objects in the kismet editor, for organization and clarity. Corresponds to a "comment box" in the kismet editor.

Copyright 1998-2007 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Property group 'SequenceFrame'


Type: bool

Should we draw a box for this comment object, or leave it just as text.


Type: bool

If we are drawing a box, should it be filled, or just an outline.

Default value: True


Type: Object.Color

If we are drawing a box for this comment object, what colour should the border be.

Default value:

Member Value
A 255
B 0
G 0
R 0


Type: int

Width of border of comment box in pixels.

Default value: 1


Type: bool

If bDrawBox and bFilled are true, and FillMaterial or FillTexture are true, should be tile it across the box or stretch to fit.


Type: Object.Color

If bDrawBox and bFilled are true, what colour should the background be.

Default value:

Member Value
A 16
B 255
G 255
R 255


Type: Material

If bDrawBox and bFilled, you can optionally specify a material to fill the box with. If both FillTexture and FillMaterial are specified, the FillMaterial will be used.


Type: Texture2D

If bDrawBox and bFilled, you can optionally specify a texture to fill the box with. If both FillTexture and FillMaterial are specified, the FillMaterial will be used.


Type: int

Horizontal size of comment box in pixels.

Default value: 128


Type: int

Vertical size of comment box in pixels.

Default value: 64

Default values

Property Value
bDrawFirst True
ObjComment "Comment"
ObjName "Sequence Comment"