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Latest revision as of 05:48, 17 January 2010

UDK Object >> SoundClass


Property group 'SoundClass'[edit]


Type: array<name>

Array of names of child sound classes. Empty for leaf classes.


Type: SoundClassProperties

Configurable properties like volume and priority.

Default value:

Member Value
bReverb True
LFEBleed 0.5
Pitch 1.0
StereoBleed 0.25
Volume 1.0

Internal variables[edit]


Type: bool

Whether this class is referenced by another class


Type: Map{USoundClass*, FSoundClassEditorData}

Modifiers: native, const

Editor data for alll sound classes; only used in the master sound class


Type: int

Modifiers: editoronly

ID used in menus in the editor



Modifiers: native, export

int NodePosX 
int NodePosY 


Modifiers: native

Structure containing configurable properties of a sound class.

float Volume 
Volume multiplier.
float Pitch 
Pitch multiplier.
float StereoBleed 
The amount of stereo sounds to bleed to the rear speakers
float LFEBleed 
The amount of a sound to bleed to the LFE channel
float VoiceCenterChannelVolume 
Voice center channel volume - Not a multiplier (no propagation)
float VoiceRadioVolume 
Radio volume multiplier - Not a multiplier (no propagation)
bool bApplyEffects 
Sound mode voice - whether to apply audio effects
bool bAlwaysPlay 
Whether to artificially prioritise the component to play
bool bIsUISound 
Whether or not this sound plays when the game is paused in the UI
bool bIsMusic 
Whether or not this is music (propagates only if parent is TRUE)
bool bReverb 
Whether or not this sound class has reverb applied

Default values:

Property Value
bAlwaysPlay False
bApplyEffects False
bIsMusic False
bIsUISound False
bReverb True
LFEBleed 0.5
Pitch 1.0
StereoBleed 0.25
VoiceCenterChannelVolume 0.0
VoiceRadioVolume 0.0
Volume 1.0