UE3:WorldInfo structs (UDK): Difference between revisions
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m 1 revision: class descriptions for UDK January update (part 9) |
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Latest revision as of 06:04, 17 January 2010
;Other member categories for this class::
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Modifiers: native
For specifying which compartments should run on a given frame
- bool RigidBody
- The rigid body compartment will run on this frame
- bool Fluid
- The fluid compartment will run on this frame
- bool Cloth
- The cloth compartment will run on this frame
- bool SoftBody
- The soft body compartment will run on this frame
Default values:
Property | Value |
Cloth | True |
Fluid | True |
RigidBody | True |
SoftBody | True |
Modifiers: native
- float StaticLightingLevelScale
- Scale of the level relative to Gears of War 2 levels.
All scale-dependent Lightmass setting defaults have been tweaked to work well in Gears 2 levels, Any levels with a different scale should use this scale to compensate.
- int NumIndirectLightingBounces
- Number of times light is allowed to bounce off of surfaces, starting from the light source.
0 is direct lighting only, 1 is one bounce, etc. Bounce 1 takes the most time to calculate and contributes the most to visual quality, followed by bounce 2. Successive bounces are nearly free, but have a much lower impact.
- Object.Color EnvironmentColor
- Color that rays which miss the scene will pick up.
This is effectively a light surrounding the entire level that is shadowed, but doesn't emit indirect lighting.
- float EnvironmentIntensity
- Scales EnvironmentColor to allow independent color and brightness controls.
- float EmissiveBoost
- Scales the emissive contribution of all materials in the scene.
- float DiffuseBoost
- Scales the diffuse contribution of all materials in the scene.
- float SpecularBoost
- Scales the specular contribution of all materials in the scene.
- float IndirectNormalInfluenceBoost
- Lerp factor that controls the influence of normal maps with directional lightmaps on indirect lighting.
A value of 0 gives a physically correct distribution of light, which may result in little normal influence in areas only lit by indirect lighting, but less lightmap compression artifacts. A value of .8 results in 80% of the lighting being redistributed in the dominant incident lighting direction, which effectively increases the per-pixel normal's influence, But causes more severe lightmap compression artifacts.
- bool bUseAmbientOcclusion
- If TRUE, AmbientOcclusion will be enabled.
- float DirectIlluminationOcclusionFraction
- How much of the AO to apply to direct lighting.
- float IndirectIlluminationOcclusionFraction
- How much of the AO to apply to indirect lighting.
- float OcclusionExponent
- Higher exponents increase contrast.
- float FullyOccludedSamplesFraction
- Fraction of samples taken that must be occluded in order to reach full occlusion.
- float MaxOcclusionDistance
- Maximum distance for an object to cause occlusion on another object.
- bool bVisualizeMaterialDiffuse
- If TRUE, override normal direct and indirect lighting with just the exported diffuse term.
- bool bVisualizeAmbientOcclusion
- If TRUE, override normal direct and indirect lighting with just the AO term.
Default values:
Property | Value | ||||||||
bUseAmbientOcclusion | False | ||||||||
bVisualizeAmbientOcclusion | False | ||||||||
bVisualizeMaterialDiffuse | False | ||||||||
DiffuseBoost | 5.0 | ||||||||
DirectIlluminationOcclusionFraction | 0.5 | ||||||||
EmissiveBoost | 1.0 | ||||||||
EnvironmentColor |
| ||||||||
EnvironmentIntensity | 1.0 | ||||||||
FullyOccludedSamplesFraction | 1.0 | ||||||||
IndirectIlluminationOcclusionFraction | 1.0 | ||||||||
IndirectNormalInfluenceBoost | 0.3 | ||||||||
MaxOcclusionDistance | 200.0 | ||||||||
NumIndirectLightingBounces | 3 | ||||||||
OcclusionExponent | 1.0 | ||||||||
SpecularBoost | 1.0 | ||||||||
StaticLightingLevelScale | 1.0 |
Modifiers: native
- int ListIdx
- NavMeshPathConstraint List[5] (MAX_INSTANCES_PER_CLASS)
Modifiers: native
Path Goal evaluator pool
- int ListIdx
- NavMeshPathGoalEvaluator List[5] (MAX_INSTANCES_PER_CLASS)
Modifiers: native
stores information on a viewer that actors need to be checked against for relevancy
- PlayerController InViewer
- Actor Viewer
- Object.Vector ViewLocation
- Object.Vector ViewDir
Modifiers: native
Parameters for emitter vertical
- bool bDisableLod
- int ParticlesLodMin
- Min value for particle LOD range.
- int ParticlesLodMax
- Max value for particle LOD range.
- int PacketsPerPhysXParticleSystemMax
- Limit for packets per PhysXParticleSystem. Caped to 900.
- bool bApplyCylindricalPacketCulling
- Selects either cylindrical or spherical packet range culling.
- float SpawnLodVsFifoBias
- Parameter for scaling spawn lod impact. 1.0: As much as possible lod through
emitter spawn rate/lifetime control. 0.0: Lod constraint handled only through fifo control.
Default values:
Property | Value |
bApplyCylindricalPacketCulling | True |
bDisableLod | False |
PacketsPerPhysXParticleSystemMax | 500 |
ParticlesLodMax | 15000 |
ParticlesLodMin | 0 |
SpawnLodVsFifoBias | 1.0 |
Modifiers: native
Timings for primary and compartments.
- PhysXSimulationProperties PrimaryScene
- Timing settings for the PhysX primary scene
- PhysXSimulationProperties CompartmentRigidBody
- Timing settings for the PhysX rigid body compartment
- PhysXSimulationProperties CompartmentFluid
- Timing settings for the PhysX fluid compartment
- PhysXSimulationProperties CompartmentCloth
- Timing settings for the PhysX cloth compartment
- PhysXSimulationProperties CompartmentSoftBody
- Timing settings for the PhysX soft body compartment
Default values:
Property | Value | ||||||||||
CompartmentCloth |
| ||||||||||
CompartmentFluid |
| ||||||||||
CompartmentRigidBody |
| ||||||||||
CompartmentSoftBody |
Modifiers: native
Parameters used for a PhysX primary scene or compartment
- bool bUseHardware
- Whether or not to put the scene (or compartment) in PhysX hardware, if available.
- bool bFixedTimeStep
- If true, substep sizes are fixed equal to TimeStep.
If false, substep sizes are varied to fit an integer number of times into the frame time.
- float TimeStep
- The fixed or maximum substep size, depending on the value of bFixedTimeStep.
- int MaxSubSteps
- The maximum number of substeps allowed per frame.
Default values:
Property | Value |
bFixedTimeStep | False |
bUseHardware | False |
MaxSubSteps | 5 |
TimeStep | 0.02 |
Modifiers: native
- PhysXEmitterVerticalProperties Emitters
- Parameters for Emitter Vertical
Modifiers: transient, native
Helper struct for tracking on screen messages.
- Object.qword Key
- The 'key' for this message.
- string ScreenMessage
- The message to display.
- Object.Color DisplayColor
- The color to display the message in.
- float TimeToDisplay
- The number of frames to display it.
- float CurrentTimeDisplayed
- The number of frames it has been displayed so far.
Modifiers: native
Struct used for passing back results from GetWorldFractureSettings