UE3:WorldInfo native functions (UDK)

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UDK Object >> Actor >> Info >> ZoneInfo >> WorldInfo (native functions)

;Other member categories for this class::

Native functions


native final function AddOnScreenDebugMessage (int Key, float TimeToDisplay, Object.Color DisplayColor, string DebugMessage)

Add a string to the On-screen debug message system


native final function CancelPendingMapChange ()

cancels pending map change (@note: we can't cancel pending async loads, so this won't immediately free the memory)


native final function CommitMapChange ()

actually performs the map transition prepared by PrepareMapChange() it happens in the next tick to avoid GC issues if a map change is being prepared but isn't ready yet, the transition code will block until it is wait until IsMapChangeReady() returns true if this is undesired behavior


native final function DoMemoryTracking ()

This function will do what ever memory tracking we have enabled. Basically there are a myriad of memory tracking/leak detection methods and this function abstracts all of that.


native final function EnvironmentVolume FindEnvironmentVolume (Object.Vector TestLocation)

Returns an Environment Volume if one is found at given location. If many are overlapping, only the first one found will be returned.


native simulated final function ForceGarbageCollection (optional bool bFullPurge)


native simulated function string GetAddressURL () const


native simulated final function array<SequenceGetAllRootSequences () const

Go over all loaded levels and get each root sequence


native final function GetDemoFrameInfo (optional out int CurrentFrame, optional out int TotalFrames)

if playing back a demo, returns the frame information for that demo


  • CurrentFrame - optional, out) - current frame the demo playback is on
  • TotalFrames - optional, out) - total number of frames in the demo


native final function bool GetDemoRewindPoints (out array<intOutRewindPoints)


if a demo is being played back and rewinding is enabled, returns the list of rewind points that are available the values correspond to demo frames, relative to the return value of GetNumDemoFrames()


native final function Scene.EDetailMode GetDetailMode ()


the current detail mode


native simulated final function Sequence GetGameSequence () const

Grabs the default game sequence and returns it.


the default game sequence object


native function float GetGravityZ ()

Overrides: Actor.GetGravityZ

Returns the Z component of the current world gravity and initializes it to the default gravity if called for the first time.


Z component of current world gravity.


native simulated function string GetLocalURL () const


native final function MapInfo GetMapInfo ()


the current MapInfo that should be used. May return one of the inner StreamingLevels' MapInfo if a streaming level transition has occurred via PrepareMapChange()


native final function string GetMapName (optional bool bIncludePrefix)


the name of the current map


native function NavMeshPathConstraint GetNavMeshPathConstraintFromCache (class<NavMeshPathConstraintConstraintClass, NavigationHandle Requestor)

Will search for an existing free constraint from the cache, and return it if one is found otherwise it will add a new instance to the cache and return that


  • ConstraintClass - the class of the constraint to grab from the cache
  • Requestor - the handle that needs this constraint


native function NavMeshPathGoalEvaluator GetNavMeshPathGoalEvaluatorFromCache (class<NavMeshPathGoalEvaluatorGoalEvalClass, NavigationHandle Requestor)

Will search for an existing free Evaluator from the cache, and return it if one is found otherwise it will add a new instance to the cache and return that


  • GoalEvalClass - the class of the evaluator to grab from the cache
  • Requestor - the handle that needs this constraint


native final function WorldFractureSettings GetWorldFractureSettings () const

Get the current fracture settings for the loaded world - handles streaming correctly.


native final function bool IsInSeamlessTravel ()


whether we're currently in a seamless transition


native final function bool IsMapChangeReady ()

if there is a map change being prepared, returns whether that change is ready to be committed (if no change is pending, always returns false)


native final function bool IsPlayingDemo ()


whether a demo is being played back


native final function bool IsPreparingMapChange ()

returns whether there's a map change currently in progress


native final function bool IsRecordingDemo ()


whether a demo is being recorded


native final noexport function NavigationPointCheck (Object.Vector Point, Object.Vector Extent, optional out array<NavigationPointNavs, optional out array<ReachSpecSpecs)

returns a list of NavigationPoints and ReachSpecs that intersect with the given point and extent


  • Point - point to check
  • Extent - box extent to check
  • optional - out) Specs list of ReachSpecs that intersect


native final function NotifyMatchStarted (optional bool bShouldActivateLevelStartupEvents, optional bool bShouldActivateLevelBeginningEvents, optional bool bShouldActivateLevelLoadedEvents)

Called by GameInfo.StartMatch, used to notify native classes of match startup (such as Kismet).


native final function PrepareMapChange (const out array<nameLevelNames)

asynchronously loads the given levels in preparation for a streaming map transition. This codepath is designed for worlds that heavily use level streaming and gametypes where the game state should be preserved through a transition.


  • LevelNames - the names of the level packages to load. LevelNames[0] will be the new persistent (primary) level


native function ReleaseCachedConstraintsAndEvaluators ()

will go through all the pools for each constraint/evaluator class that has been added so far and reset the instance index to 0 (call this after the search is complete to indicate you're done with the constraints from the pool)


native final function SeamlessTravel (string URL, optional bool bAbsolute, optional init Object.Guid MapPackageGuid)

seamlessly travels to the given URL by first loading the entry level in the background, switching to it, and then loading the specified level. Does not disrupt network communication or disconnet clients. You may need to implement GameInfo::GetSeamlessTravelActorList(), PlayerController::GetSeamlessTravelActorList(), GameInfo::PostSeamlessTravel(), and/or GameInfo::HandleSeamlessTravelPlayer() to handle preserving any information that should be maintained (player teams, etc) This codepath is designed for worlds that use little or no level streaming and gametypes where the game state is reset/reloaded when transitioning. (like UT)


  • URL - the URL to travel to; must be on the same server as the current URL
  • bAbsolute - opt) - if true, URL is absolute, otherwise relative
  • MapPackageGuid - opt) - the GUID of the map package to travel to - this is used to find the file when it has been autodownloaded, so it is only needed for clients


native final function SetLevelRBGravity (Object.Vector NewGrav)


native final function SetMapInfo (MapInfo NewMapInfo)

sets the current MapInfo to the passed in one


native final function SetSeamlessTravelMidpointPause (bool bNowPaused)

this function allows pausing the seamless travel in the middle, right before it starts loading the destination (i.e. while in the transition level) this gives the opportunity to perform any other loading tasks before the final transition this function has no effect if we have already started loading the destination (you will get a log warning if this is the case)


  • bNowPaused - whether the transition should now be paused


native final function UpdateMusicTrack (MusicTrackDataStructures.MusicTrackStruct NewMusicTrack)


native simulated final function VerifyNavList ()