UE3:NavMeshPathGoalEvaluator (UDK)

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UDK Object >> NavMeshPathGoalEvaluator
Direct subclasses:
NavMeshGoal_At, NavMeshGoal_ClosestActorInList, NavMeshGoal_Null, NavMeshGoal_PolyEncompassesAI, NavMeshGoal_OutOfViewFrom

This can have state. This is the primary difference between GoalEvaluators and PathContraints.

Additionally, once the Goal's EvaluateGoal returns TRUE that path search will end.

A goal is a great place to have EvaluateGoal aggregate all of the possible "goals" that have passed the constraints. At some point (time based, search space based) EvaluateGoal will return TRUE and then DetermineFinalGoal will be called which one can then do final evaluation of the valid (from the path constraints) goals.



Type: bool

this bool determines if this evaluator's 'EvaluageGoal' function gets called even after a determination has been made

about the current goal.  E.G. a previous evaluator returned FALSE indicating the search was not complete, but we still want
EvaluateGoal called even when the outcome has already been decided.  This is useful for
evaluators that need to see all incoming candidates regardless of whether or not another evaluator is throwing htem out


Type: int

Modifiers: protected

maximum number of NavigationPoints to test before giving up

Default value: 1024


Type: NavMeshPathGoalEvaluator

Modifiers: protected

Next goal evaluator


Type: int

Debug var to keep track of how many nodes this goal evaluator has processed


Type: int

Debug var to keep track of how many nodes this goal evaluator has nixed



event string GetDumpString ()


event Recycle ()