From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
(see also Actor (UT)/Sound)
- sound AmbientSound
- The single ambient sound effect that is associated with this actor. Assigning a Sound instance to this property will automagically begin looped playback. Assign it to None to stop playback.
- float SoundRadius
- The radius of ambient sound.
- byte SoundVolume
- The volume of ambient sound as a value between 0 and 255 with 255 being the maximum volume.
- byte SoundPitch
- Sound pitch shift, 64.0=none.
- ESoundOcclusion SoundOcclusion
- One of the Actor/Enums which controls sound occlusion approach.
- bool bFullVolume
- Whether to apply ambient attenuation.
- float TransientSoundVolume
- Default sound volume used in the PlaySound method (see Actor/Methods).
- float TransientSoundRadius
- Default sound radius used in the PlaySound method (see Actor/Methods).