UE1:Light (UT)

From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
UT Object >> Actor >> Light
Direct subclasses:
ChargeLight, DistanceLightning, FlashLightBeam, OverHeatLight, QueenTeleportLight, SightLight, Spotlight, TorchFlame, TriggerLightRad, WeaponLight, Engine.TriggerLight, UnrealShare.TriggerLight
This class in other games:

The light class.

Default values

Property Value
bHidden True
bMovable False
bNoDelete True
bStatic True
CollisionHeight 24.0
CollisionRadius 24.0
LightBrightness 64
LightCone 128
LightPeriod 32
LightRadius 64
LightSaturation 255
LightType LT_Steady
Texture Texture'Engine.S_Light'
VolumeBrightness 64