UE2:PhantomEpic (UT2004)

From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site

Phantom Team - Epic Games

Written by Michiel Hendriks (c) 2003, Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Default values

Property Value
TeamDescription "Founded in 1991, Epic has long been a pioneer of cool PC games, new business models, and boundary-defining game technologies. Epic was founded by Tim Sweeney (Jill of the Jungle, Unreal), and joined shortly after by Mark Rein (VP of Marketing), James Schmalz (Epic Pinball, Extreme Pinball, Unreal), and Cliff Bleszinski (Jazz Jackrabbit, Unreal)."
TeamLevel 999
TeamName "Epic Games, Inc."
TeamSymbolName "NvidiaLogo_T.Logos.Epic_Logo"