UE2:UT2K4PhantomRoster (UT2004)

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UT2004 Object >> Actor >> Info >> ReplicationInfo >> TeamInfo >> UnrealTeamInfo >> xTeamRoster >> UT2K4TeamRoster >> UT2K4PhantomRoster
Direct subclasses:
PhantomBloodReavers, PhantomDarkPhalanx, PhantomEpic, PhantomNecrisBlackLegion, PhantomRawSteel

Phantom Team Roster, game will shut down when you actually use this team

Written by Michiel Hendriks (c) 2003, Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Instance functions


function Initialize (int TeamBots)

Overrides: UT2K4TeamRoster.Initialize

If TeamBots == 1 use the team leader, else use the default behavior