UE3:SeqEvent_LOS (UDK)

From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
UDK Object >> SequenceObject >> SequenceOp >> SequenceEvent >> SeqEvent_LOS
This class in other games:

Event which is activated when some pawn has a line of sight to an LOS trigger. Originator: the trigger that owns this event Instigator: the Pawn of the Player that saw the LOS trigger which owns this event


Property group 'SeqEvent_LOS'


Type: bool

Force a clear line of sight to the trigger?

Default value: True


Type: float

Distance from the screen center before activating this event

Default value: 50.0


Type: float

Distance from the trigger before activating this event

Default value: 2048.0

Default values

Property Value
ObjCategory "Pawn"
ObjName "Line Of Sight"
Member Value
LinkDesc "Look"
Member Value
LinkDesc "Stop Look"

Static events


static event int GetObjClassVersion ()

Overrides: SequenceObject.GetObjClassVersion

(Description copied from SequenceObject.GetObjClassVersion)
Return the version number for this class. Child classes should increment this method by calling Super then adding a individual class version to the result. When a class is first created, the number should be 0; each time one of the link arrays is modified (VariableLinks, OutputLinks, InputLinks, etc.), the number that is added to the result of Super.GetObjClassVersion() should be incremented by 1.


the version number for this specific class.