UE3:UIScene functions (UDK)
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Static native functions
Returns the current WorldInfo
Native functions
Finds the location of a tickable object.
- ObjectToFind - the object to search for
- the index into the scene's TickableObjects array for the specified object, or INDEX_NONE if it isn't found.
Triggers an immediate full scene update (rebuilds docking stacks if necessary, resolves scene positions if necessary, etc.); scene updates normally occur at the beginning of each scene's Tick() so this function should only be called if you must change the positions and/or formatting of a widget in the scene after the scene has been ticked, but before it's been rendered.
Note: noexport because this simply calls through to the C++ UpdateScene().
Returns the scene's currently active context menu, if there is one.
Returns the scene's default context menu widget, creating one if necessary.
Returns the scene that is above this one in the scene client's stack of active scenes.
- bRequireMatchingPlayerOwner - TRUE indicates that only a scene that has the same value for PlayerOwner as this scene may be considered the "next" scene to this one
- bIgnoreUnfocusedScenes - indicates that scenes which cannot accept focus should be skipped.
- a reference to the next scene above this scene in the ActiveScenes array which meets the criteria specified by the input parameters, or None if there isn't one.
Returns the scene that is below this one in the scene client's stack of active scenes.
- bRequireMatchingPlayerOwner - TRUE indicates that only a scene that has the same value for PlayerOwner as this scene may be considered the "previous" scene to this one
- bIgnoreUnfocusedScenes - indicates that scenes which cannot accept focus should be skipped.
- a reference to the next scene below this scene in the ActiveScenes array which meets the criteria specified by the input parameters, or None if there isn't one.
Gets the data store for this scene, creating one if necessary.
Accessor for retrieving the scene's input mode.
- bMemberValueOnly - specify TRUE to skip calling the delegate and just return the value of SceneInputMode
- if the scene's GetSceneInputModeOverride delegate is set, returns the result from that. Otherwise, the value of this scene's SceneInputMode.
Accessor for retrieving the scene's configured post-process group.
- the post-process group that this scene is configured to use.
Accessor for retrieving the scene's render mode. Forces render mode to be SPLITRENDER_FullScreen
- the value of this scene's SceneRenderMode member.
Wrapper for easily determining whether this scene is in the scene client's list of active scenes.
- bTopmostScene - specify TRUE to check whether the scene is also the scene client's topmost scene.
Notifies all children that are bound to readable data stores to retrieve their initial value from those data stores.
Debug function for spewing the scene's docking stack.
Clears and rebuilds the complete DockingStack. It is not necessary to manually rebuild the DockingStack when simply adding or removing widgets from the scene, since those types of actions automatically updates the DockingStack.
Register an object with the scene so that it receive calls to Tick.
- ObjectToRegister - the object that should be registered with the scene
- InsertIndex - the index [into the array of tickable objects] where the object should be inserted; if not specified, adds the object to the end of the list. Provides callers with a way to e.g. guarantee that they receive the call to tick before some other object in the list.
- TRUE if the object was successfully registered with the scene. FALSE if the object was already in the list or an invalid positive index was specified (other than INDEX_NONE).
Find the data store that has the specified tag. If the data store's tag is SCENE_DATASTORE_TAG, the scene's data store is returned, otherwise searches through the global data stores for a data store with a Tag matching the specified name.
- DataStoreTag - A name corresponding to the 'Tag' property of a data store
- InPlayerOwner - The player owner to use for resolving the datastore. If NULL, the scene's playerowner will be used instead.
- a pointer to the data store that has a Tag corresponding to DataStoreTag, or NULL if no data were found with that tag.
Iterates through the scene's DockingStack, and evaluates the Position values for each widget owned by this scene into actual pixel values, then stores that result in the widget's RenderBounds field.
Notifies all children of this scene that are bound to writable data stores to publish their values to those data stores.
- bUnbindSubscribers - if TRUE, all data stores bound by widgets and strings in this scene will be unbound.
Changes the scene's ActiveContextMenu to the one specified.
- NewContextMenu - the new context menu to activate, or NULL to clear any active context menus.
- PlayerIndex - the index of the player to display the context menu for.
- TRUE if the scene's ActiveContextMenu was successfully changed to the new value.
Changes the screen input mode for this scene.
Accessor for changing the value of this scene's SceneRenderMode var.
Wrapper for checking whether this scene's parent should also be rendered.
Makes all the widgets in this scene unsubscribe from their bound datastores.
Unregisters an object with the scene so that it no longer receives calls to Tick.
- ObjectToRemove - the object that should be removed from the scene's list of tickable objects.
- TRUE if the object was successfully removed from the scene.
Overrides: UIScreenObject.AddedChild
Called immediately after a child has been added to this screen object.
- WidgetOwner - the screen object that the NewChild was added as a child for
- NewChild - the widget that was added
Determines the appropriate PlayerInput mask for this scene, based on the scene's input mode.
Closes the specified scene, optionally activating the scene's closing animation.
- SceneToClose - a reference to the scene instance that should be closed; if not specified, closes this scene.
- bCloseChildScenes - specify FALSE to prevent scenes opened after this one from being automatically closed.
- bForceCloseImmediately - specify TRUE to indicate that the scene's OnQueryCloseSceneAllowed delegate should be ignored. Usually used in cases where you need to ensure the scene goes away immediately, rather than e.g. activating a close animation which would cause the scene to remain active for a few more frames.
- TRUE if the scene was closed or the closing animation was activated. FALSE if the scene couldn't be closed and the closing animation wasn't started.
Callback for retrieving the widget that provides hints about which item is currently focused.
- bQueryOnly - specify TRUE to indicate that a focus hint should not be created if it doesn't already exist.
- the widget used for displaying the global focused control hint.
Opens a new instance of a UIScene resource, optionally activating the scene's opening animation as well as the currently active scene's focus-lost animations.
- SceneToOpen - a reference to the scene resource that should be instanced and activated.
- ScenePlayerOwner - the player that should have control of the scene.
- ForcedPriority - overrides the scene's SceneStackPriority value to allow callers to modify where the scene is placed in the stack, by default.
- bSkipAnimation - specify TRUE to indicate that opening animations should be bypassed.
- SceneDelegate - allows the caller to hook into the new scene's OnSceneActivated delegate.
- a reference to an instance of the specified scene resource, which is guaranteed to be in the list of active scenes; NULL if the scene couldn't be activated.
Overrides: UIScreenObject.RemovedChild
Called immediately after a child has been removed from this screen object.
- WidgetOwner - the screen object that the widget was removed from.
- OldChild - the widget that was removed
- ExclusionSet - used to indicate that multiple widgets are being removed in one batch; useful for preventing references between the widgets being removed from being severed. NOTE: If a value is specified, OldChild will ALWAYS be part of the ExclusionSet, since it is being removed.
Called just after the scene is added to the ActiveScenes array, or when this scene has become the active scene as a result of closing another scene.
- bInitialActivation - TRUE if this is the first time this scene is being activated; FALSE if this scene has become active as a result of closing another scene or manually moving this scene in the stack.
Called just after this scene is removed from the active scenes array
Overrides: UIScreenObject.SetVisibility
Changes whether this widget is visible or not. Should be overridden in child classes to perform additional logic or abort the visibility change.
- bIsVisible - TRUE if the widget should be visible; false if not.
Overrides: UIScreenObject.UIAnimationEnded
Notification that one or more tracks in an animation sequence have completed.
- Sender - the widget that completed animating.
- AnimName - the name of the animation sequence that completed.
- TypeMask - a bitmask indicating which animation tracks completed. It is generated by left shifting 1 by the values of the EUIAnimType enum. A value of 0 indicates that all tracks in the animation sequence have finished.
Overrides: UIScreenObject.UIAnimationStarted
Notification that an animation sequence has been activated.
- Sender - the widget that owns the animation sequence that was activated
- AnimName - the name of the animation sequence that was activated.
- TypeMask - a bitmask indicating which animation tracks were activated. It is generated by left shifting 1 by the values of the EUIAnimType enum. A value of 0 indicates that all tracks in the animation sequence are being activated.
- bSetAnimatingFlag - indicates whether this widget should mark itself as animating.
Other instance functions
Wrapper function for activating an animation sequence on this widget.
- AnimationSequenceName - the name of the animation sequence to activate; should match the 'SeqName' of one of the UIAnimationSeq objects defined in the game scene client class.
- TrackCompletedDelegate - optional function for receiving a notification when a track in the animation sequence has completed.
- TRUE if the animation sequence was triggered successfully.
Wrapper for activating the scene's closing animation.
- TRUE if the closing animation was successfully activated.
Wrapper for activating the scene's lost-focus animation (this animation is played when a new scene is becoming active).
Wrapper for activating the scene's opening animation.
Wrapper for activating the scene's reactivate animation, which is played when this scene has just become the top-most scene due to another scene closing.
Wrapper for activating the scene's regain-focus animation, which is played when the next scene up is the top-most scene and it begins to close
Find the index into the array of currently animating child widgets for a child of this scene.
- SearchObj - the widget to find the index for.
- the index into the AnimatingObjects array for the specified object, or INDEX_NONE if it isn't in the array.
Overrides: UIScreenObject.LogCurrentState
Called when a gamepad (or other controller) is inserted or removed)
- ControllerId - the id of the gamepad that was added/removed.
- bConnected - indicates the new status of the gamepad.
Called when the current map is being unloaded. Cleans up any references which would prevent garbage collection.
Called when the status of the platform's network connection changes.
Notification that the login status a player has changed.
- ControllerId - the id of the gamepad for the player that changed login status
- NewStatus - the value for the player's current login status
- TRUE if this scene wishes to handle the event and prevent further processing.
Notification that the player's connection to the platform's online service is changed.
Called when a new player has been added to the list of active players (i.e. split-screen join)
- PlayerIndex - the index [into the GamePlayers array] where the player was inserted
- AddedPlayer - the player that was added
Called when a player has been removed from the list of active players (i.e. split-screen players)
- PlayerIndex - the index [into the GamePlayers array] where the player was located
- RemovedPlayer - the player that was removed
Called when the local player is about to travel to a new URL. This callback should be used to perform any preparation tasks, such as updating status text and such. All cleanup should be done from NotifyGameSessionEnded, as that function will be called in some cases where NotifyClientTravel is not.
- TravelURL - a string containing the mapname (or IP address) to travel to, along with option key/value pairs
- TravelType - indicates whether the player will clear previously added URL options or not.
- bIsSeamless - indicates whether seamless travelling will be used.
Called when a storage device is inserted or removed.
Handler for the completion of this scene's closing animation
Warning: if you override this in a child class, keep in mind that this function will not be called if the scene has no closing animation.
Handler for the completion of this scene's closing animation
Warning: if you override this in a child class, keep in mind that this function will not be called if the scene has no closing animation.
Handler for the completion of this scene's lost-focus animation
Warning: if you override this in a child class, keep in mind that this function will not be called if the scene has no lost-focus animation.
Handler for the completion of this scene's opening animation...
Warning: if you override this in a child class, keep in mind that this function will not be called if the scene has no opening animation.
Handler for the completion of this scene's re-activated animation
Warning: if you override this in a child class, keep in mind that this function will not be called if the scene has no re-activated animation.
Handler for the completion of this scene's 'becoming active again' animation
Warning: if you override this in a child class, keep in mind that this function will not be called if the scene has no 'becoming active again' animation.
Default handler for the OnCreateScene delegate
Wrapper for stopping an active UI animtion sequence.
- AnimationSequenceName - the name of the animation sequence to stop; should match the 'SeqName' of one of the UIAnimationSeq objects defined in the game scene client class.
- bFinalize - indicates whether the widget should apply the final frame of the animation (i.e. simulate the animation completing)