UE3:UIScene properties (UDK)

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UDK Object >> UIRoot >> UIScreenObject >> UIScene (properties)

;Other member categories for this class::


Property group 'Animation'


Type: name

the name of the animation sequence to play when the scene is closed


Type: name

the name of the animation sequence to play when this scene opens another scene (and thus, becomes the background for the new scene, in at least in cases where the new scene has bRenderParentScenes set


Type: name

the name of the animation sequence to play when the scene is opened


Type: name

the name of the animation sequence to play when the scene is about to become the active scene due to another scene closing


Type: name

the name of the animation sequence to play when the topmost scene has just begun its closing animation, and this scene will become the next topmost scene

Property group 'Controls'


Type: class<UIContextMenu>

Modifiers: const

The UIContextMenu class to use for the StandardContextMenu

Default value: Class'Engine.UIContextMenu'

Property group 'Flags'


Type: bool

Overrides the setting of bRenderParentScenes for any scenes higher in the stack


Type: bool

Indicates whether this scene should capture all input which wasn't processed by the scene. Only relevant for scenes with an input mode of INPUTMODE_MatchingOnly (all other input modes capture all input anyway).

Default value: True


Type: bool

Indicates whether the the scene should close itself when the level changes. This is useful for when you have a main menu and want to make certain it is closed when ever you switch to a new level.

Default value: True


Type: bool

Displayed as: Disable World Rendering

TRUE to disable world rendering while this scene is active


Type: bool

Controls whether the cursor is shown while this scene is active. Interactive scenes such as menus will generally want this enabled, while non-interactive scenes, such as the HUD generally want it disabled.

Todo: this bool may be unnecessary, since we can establish whether a scene should process mouse input by looking at the input events for the widgets of this scene; if any process any of the mouse keys (MouseX, MouseY, RMB, LMB, MMB, etc.) or if the scene can be a drop target, then this scene needs to process mouse input, and should probably display a cursor.... hmmm need to think about this assumption a bit more before implementing this

Default value: True


Type: bool

Controls whether depth testing is enabled for this scene. If TRUE then the 2d ui items are depth tested against the 3d ui scene


Type: bool

If true this scene is exempted from Auto closuer when a scene above it closes


Type: bool

Displayed as: Flush Input

TRUE to flush all player input when this scene is opened.

Default value: True


Type: bool

TRUE indicates that this scene can be automatically reopened when the user returns to the main front-end menu.


Type: bool

Indicates whether the game should be paused while this scene is active.

Default value: True


Type: bool

Controls whether the scenes underneath this scene are rendered.


Type: bool

TRUE to indicate that this scene requires a valid network connection in order to be opened. If no network connection is available, the scene will be closed.


Type: bool

Set to TRUE to indicate that the user must be signed into an online service (for example, Windows live) in order to view this scene. If the user is not signed into an online service, the scene will be closed.


Type: bool

Indicates whether the scene should have its widgets save their values to the datastore on close.

Default value: True

Property group 'Interaction'


Type: UIRoot.EScreenInputMode

Modifiers: private

Controls how this scene responds to input from multiple players.

Default value: INPUTMODE_Locked


Type: UIRoot.ESplitscreenRenderMode

Modifiers: protected

Controls how this scene will be rendered when split-screen is active.

Default value: SPLITRENDER_PlayerOwner

Property group 'PostProcess'


Type: bool

Controls whether post-processing is enabled for this scene.


Type: UIRoot.EUIPostProcessGroup

Ordering of post process effects applied. UIPostProcess_None - No post process pass for the UI Scene UIPostProcess_Background - Only UIPostProcessBackground renders before the UI Scene UIPostProcess_Foreground - Only UIPostProcessForeground renders after the UI Scene UIPostProcess_BackgroundAndForeground - Both UIPostProcessBackground/UIPostProcessForeground render for the UI Scene


Type: PostProcessChain

Post process applied to background before rendering the UI.


Type: PostProcessChain

Post process applied after rendering the UI.

Property group 'Sound'


Type: name

this sound is played when this scene is deactivated

Default value: 'SceneClosed'


Type: name

this sound is played when this scene is activated

Default value: 'SceneOpened'

Property group 'Style'


Type: UISkin

Modifiers: const, editinlineuse

Provides a way to force this scene to use a specific skin. Useful for transitions between front-end and HUD scenes, for example.

Property group 'UIScene'


Type: int

Sorting priority; when scenes are opened, they are placed in the stack at the location where all scenes have a SceneStackPriority less than or equal to this one. By default, the scene is placed at the top of the scene stack.

Default value: 10


Type: name

Modifiers: editconst

Semi-unique non-localized name for this scene which is used to reference the scene from unrealscript. For scenes which are gametype specific, each scene may wish to use the same SceneName (for example, if each game had a single scene which represented the HUD for that gametype, all of the HUD scenes might use "HUDScene" as their SceneName, so that the current game's HUD scene can be referenced using "HUDScene" regardless of which type of hud it is)

Internal variables


Type: UIContextMenu

Modifiers: const, transient, private

The context menu currently being displayed or pending display.


Type: array<UIScreenObject>

Modifiers: transient, private

List of widgets in this scene that are currently animating.


Type: bool

Modifiers: transient, private

Indicates that an animation is playing which should block input.


Type: bool

Modifiers: transient, const

This flag is used to detect whether or not we are updating the scene for the first time, if it is FALSE and update scene is called, then we issue the PreInitialSceneUpdate for the scene so widgets have a chance to 'initialize' their positions if desired.


Type: bool

Modifiers: transient, const

Indicates that the scene should recalculate its PlayerInputMask on the next tick.


Type: bool

Modifiers: transient, const

Indicates that the scene should recalculate the value of bSupportsRotation on the next tick.


Type: bool

Modifiers: transient, const

Indicates that all strings contained in this scene should be reformatted.


Type: bool

Modifiers: transient, const

Indicates that the Widgets displayed need to be redrawn. Once this is set to true, RefreshWidgets() will be called on the next Tick()


Type: bool

Modifiers: transient, const

Indicates that the scene is currently resolving positions for widgets in this scene


Type: bool

Modifiers: transient, const

Indicates whether this scene contains multiple controls that the user can navigate between; set natively, and used to determine whether the UI should process navigation input keys.


Type: bool

Modifiers: transient, const

Indicates whether this scene contains any widgets that have a non-zero rotation.


Type: bool

Modifiers: transient, const

Indicates that the docking stack should be rebuilt on the next Tick()


Type: bool

Modifiers: transient, const

Indicates that the navigation links between the widgets owned by this scene are no longer up to date. Once this is set to true, RebuildNavigationLinks() will be called on the next Tick()


Type: bool

Modifiers: transient, const

Indicates that the value of bUsesPrimitives is potentially out of date. Normally set when a child is added or removed from the scene. When TRUE, UpdatePrimitiveUsage will be called during the next tick.


Type: bool

Modifiers: transient, const

Indicates that the widgets owned by this scene should re-evaluate their screen positions into absolute pixels on the next Tick().


Type: bool

Modifiers: transient, const

Indicates that one or more widgets in this scene are using 3D primitives. Set to TRUE in Activate() if any children of this scene have true for UIScreenObject.bSupports3DPrimitives


Type: PostProcessVolume.PostProcessSettings

Modifiers: transient, const


Type: PostProcessVolume.PostProcessSettings

Modifiers: transient, const


Type: Object.Vector2D

The current aspect ratio for this scene's viewport. For scenes modified in the UI editor, this will be set according to the value of the resolution drop-down control. In game, this will be updated anytime the resolution is changed.

Default value:

Member Value
X 1024.0
Y 768.0


Type: array<UIRoot.UIDockingNode>

Modifiers: const, transient, native, private

Tracks the docking relationships between widgets owned by this scene. Determines the order in which the UIObject.Position values for each widget in the sceen are evaluated into UIObject.RenderBounds

Note: this variable is not serialized (even by GC) as the widget stored in this array will be serialized through the Children array.


Type: Object.Map_Mirror{TMap<FName,FInputEventSubscription>}


Modifiers: const, transient, native

Tracks the widgets owned by this scene which are currently eligible to process input. Maps the input keyname to the list of widgets that can process that event.

Note: this variable is not serialized (even by GC) as the widgets stored in this map will be serialized through the Children array


Type: int

Modifiers: transient

The index for the player that this scene last received input from.


Type: byte

Modifiers: transient

A bitmask representing the player indexes that this control will process input for, where the value is generated by left bitshifting by the index of the player. A value of 0xF indicates that this control will process input from all players. A value of 1 << 1 indicate that only input from player at index 1 will be acccepted, etc. So value of 3 means that this control processes input from players at indexes 0 and 1. Input from player indexes that do not match the mask will be ignored.

Calculated at runtime.


Type: LocalPlayer

Modifiers: const, transient

The LocalPlayer which owns this scene. NULL if this scene is global (i.e. not owned by a player)


Type: UISafeRegionPanel

Modifiers: const, transient, private

Optional safe region panel that should be considered the scene's primary one; if set, the scene will always resolve its position values first


Type: array<UIObject>

Modifiers: const, transient, private

Tracks the order in which widgets were rendered, for purposes of hit detection.


Type: UISceneClient

Modifiers: const, transient

the client for this scene - provides all global state information the scene requires for operation


Type: SceneDataStore

Modifiers: const, instanced

The data store that provides access to this scene's temporary data


Type: UILayerBase

Modifiers: editoronly, const, private, transient

The root of the layer hierarchy for this scene; only loaded in the editor.

Todo: ronp - temporarily marked this transient until I can address the bugs in layer browser which are holding references to deleted objects (also commented out the creation of the layer browser).


Type: Texture2D

Modifiers: editoronly

Preview thumbnail for the generic browser.


Type: UIContextMenu

Modifiers: const, transient, private

This context menu will be used as the context menu for widgets which do not provide their own


Type: array<UITickableObject>

Modifiers: const, transient, private

List of widgets in this scene that implement the UITickableObject interface.


Type: int

Modifiers: transient

Number of consecutive frames that bUpdateScenePositions has been set while already in the process of updating widget positions in ResolveScenePositions(). Used by tools to generate warning messages.

Default values



Class: Engine.UIComp_Event

Property Value
Member Value
EventTemplate UIEvent_Initialized'Engine.Default__UIScene:SceneInitializedEvent'
Member Value
EventTemplate UIEvent_SceneActivated'Engine.Default__UIScene:SceneActivatedEvent'
Member Value
EventTemplate UIEvent_SceneDeactivated'Engine.Default__UIScene:SceneDeactivatedEvent'
Member Value
EventTemplate UIEvent_OnEnterState'Engine.Default__UIScene:EnteredStateEvent'
Member Value
EventTemplate UIEvent_OnLeaveState'Engine.Default__UIScene:LeftStateEvent'