by Crusha K. Rool, thanks to iwanpompier for help at getting the radar to work.
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Object >> Actor >> SVehicleFactory >> UltimateVCTFFactory (custom) |
- Package:
- UltimateMappingTools
Ultimate Factory for VCTF, giving the mapper more control over vehicle balancing and the functionality of the vehicle itself. Vehicles can be tracked as well, if an UltimateRadarMap Actor is placed in the map.
Property group 'Events'
Type: name
Event to trigger before spawn. Not activated when the vehicle was trigger-spawned.
Property group 'UltimateVCTFFactory'
Type: bool
Vehicle may be rotated by the AlternativeRotation.
Type: int
If bRandomFlip, the Vehicle may spawn rotated by this value.
8192 = 45°; 16384 = 90°; 32768 = 180°; etc.. Negative values will rotate in the opposite direction.
Type: bool
Uses the TeamNum of the closest GameObjective.
Type: bool
Allow spawning over colliding actors.
Type: bool
Factory is triggered "on" at the beginning.
Default value: True
Type: bool
If True, this factory will immediately spawn a vehicle when being triggered.
If False, triggering will enable the factory and untriggering will disable it.
Type: bool
Factory spawns only a limited number of vehicles, there will be no second one when they are destroyed. MaxVehicleCount determines the number of vehicles that can be spawned.
Type: byte
This will always lock the Vehicles for the TeamNum that is NOT entered here. 255 is normal, 0 will always lock this for Blue, 1 always for Red.
(Hack for Minigun turrets - it makes pretty much only sense to use this with them at the team's Core)
Default value: 255
Type: float
Time before spawn to trigger PrepSpawn-Event and -Effect.
Default value: 2.0
Type: float
Interval to wait if spawn area is blocked.
Default value: 1.0
Type: byte
0= red, 1= blue, 255= neutral / none
TeamNums are switched automatically on Reset, if necessary. This is primarily used in combination with bIndependentFactory.
Type: array<SpawnedVehicleProperties>
List for random vehicle spawn.
Type: EVehicleSelectionType
Which method should be used to select the vehicle for spawning.
Internal variables
Type: bool
Needed for Reset().
Type: bool
Neither the vehicle or build effect have been spawned yet
Type: Vehicle
The last vehicle that has been spawned.
Type: int
For accessing the properties of the individual vehicle
Type: int
Same, but in a sequential order.
Type: UltimateRadarMap
The UltimateRadarMap Actor in the map. If none is there, no radar tracking is available.
Default values
The size of the spawneffect particle ring around the vehicle to use.
- SIZE_None
- SIZE_Scorpion
- SIZE_Manta
- SIZE_Raptor
- SIZE_Hellbender
- SIZE_Goliath
- SIZE_Leviathan
Which method should be used to select the vehicle for spawning.
- VST_Random
- Random from list, equal chances for everyone.
- VST_Probability
- Use Probability values of the vehicle, so some vehicles are more likely than others.
- VST_Sequential
- Always select the next entry from the list when spawning a new vehicle.
- VST_OnceRandom
- Random as above, just that the choice will be used for the whole match.
- VST_OnceProbability
- Use Probablity as above, just that the choice will be used for the whole match.
A load of customization and you need to do it for every entry in the list and for red and blue separately. But it pays out.
- class<Vehicle> Vehicle
- The vehicle that is spawned with this entry.
- int Health
- Give the spawned Vehicle a custom Health value. 0 will use the Vehicle's default.
- float SpawnProbability
- Used with bUseSpawnProbability. You can enter whatever you like, just the relative difference between the entries counts.
- name VehicleSpawnedEvent
- Tag to be triggered upon spawning of this particular vehicle (additionally to the one of the factory itself). The vehicle will be the instigator.
- name VehicleDestroyedEvent
- Tag to be triggered upon destruction of the vehicle. Vehicle must be a subclass of ONSVehicle for this to happen.
- ESpawnSize SpawnEffectSize
- The size of the spawneffect around the vehicle to use.
- bool bCanCarryFlag
- This vehicle can carry the flag.
- bool bEjectDriver
- Eject driver when vehicle gets destroyed instead of killing him.
- bool bEnterringDoesNotUnlock
- Vehicle is not unlocked when a player enters it.
- float SpawnProtectionTime
- The vehicle is shielded from any damage for this many seconds after spawn (spawn protection is lift immediately when a driver enters). 0 disables this, -1 means the vehicle is protected until someone enters it.
- bool bChangeMaxDesireability
- If True, use a custom MaxDesirability value to tell bots if they should use the vehicle or not.
- float MaxDesireability
- Default values are: Scorpion - 0.4; Hellbender - 0.5; Raptor, Cicada, Manta, SPMA, Paladin - 0.6; Goliath, Ion Tank - 0.8; Leviathan - 2.0. Go figure what matches your vehicle best.
- bool bTrackVehicleOnRadar
- The vehicle's location will be shown in realtime on the RadarMap.
- bool bRadarVisibleToDriver
- Should the vehicle be shown on the radar to it's driver? Only useful if you have a large delay between the updates and want to estimate where your team sees you on the radar.
- bool bRadarNeutralWhenEmpty
- If true, the vehicle is drawn with white team color when it's left.
- bool bRadarHideWhenEmpty
- If true, the vehicle is not drawn when it's empty.
- UltimateRadarVehicleLRI.ERadarVehicleVisibility RadarVehicleVisibility
- Here you set to which players the vehicle is shown on the RadarMap.
- float RadarOwnerUpdateTime
- How many seconds have to pass before the location of vehicle is updated for the owning team.
- float RadarEnemyUpdateTime
- Same as above, just for enemies.
- bool bRadarFadeWithOwnerUpdateTime
- If True, the icon on the radar map will interpolate between opaque and translucent as time passes between location updates on the radar.
- bool bRadarFadeWithEnemyUpdateTime
- If False, the icon will always stay fully opaque.
- Material RadarTexture
- The texture that represents the vehicle on the radar. It should have an alpha channel and be set to TC_Clamp. A bunch of vehicle textures for the radar are delivered in the texture package that comes with this toolset.
- float RadarTextureScale
- The image will be scaled by this factor.
- int RadarTextureRotationOffset
- The image will be rotated by this (in Rotation Units), in case your texture doesn't face the right way (up is the direction the vehicle is driving to).
Overrides: Actor.PostBeginPlay
Performs a check to notify the mapper if this actor is useless. References the UltimateRadarMap if it exists. Sets some inherited variables to the correct values, enables the factory if necessary and precaches all the vehicles in the array.
Overrides: Actor.PostNetBeginPlay
Activates the factory, either according to the closest GameObjective or with a fixed team number.
Overrides: Actor.Timer
The main function of this actor. It handles when to call which other function.
Overrides: SVehicleFactory.Trigger
Either enable or spawn directly if bTriggeredSpawn.
Overrides: Actor.UnTrigger
Disable if not bTriggeredSpawn.
Overrides: SVehicleFactory.VehicleDestroyed
VehicleCount gets reduced (if wished) and the LinkedReplicationInfo for the radar is removed, if one for this vehicle existed.
Other instance functions
Activate the Factory.
Sets the VehicleClass to a Vehicle from the currently valid array. The class can be chosen randomly or sequential. In any case is RandomArrayNumber the index of the chosen entry in the array, so that we can find the matching properties for this vehicle when it's spawned.
Overrides: Actor.Reset
Adjust this actor if the sides are switched in ONS and deletes all remaining vehicles on the map.
Spawns the BuildEffect emitter.
Spawns the chosen VehicleClass and applies the properties from the matching entry in the array. The creation of a LinkedReplicationInfo for the radar is also handled here, if necessary.
If the ChooseVehicle function chose an entry with an empty vehicle class, then the Timer is set back to the length of a RespawnTime to try it again.
Overrides: Actor.UpdatePrecacheMaterials
Loads all vehicles in the arrays into cache to have fast access during the game.
Loads all vehicles in the arrays into cache to have fast access during the game.