User:Eliot: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 08:37, 10 December 2009

Who is Eliot?

welcome to my page I am Eliot Van Uytfanghe, an assault trials player!

What do you do?

I create levels and scripts on my own all for the fun. I've been doing this already for like 2 or 3 years.

You have any favorite sites I can check to know more about you?

Yes my favorite site is UT200xAssault

Ofcourse wiki too :).


Description This is a tutorial for the vertex editing tool in there I will explain you how to use the tool have fun :).

Released Maps

Assault Maps

Description A mixed Trial map with some enhanced Shieldgun and alot of challenging trials.
Theme Abaddon.
Level Objectives 8.
Theme Rankin.
Level Objectives 7.
Description A nice Egyptian themed map with alot of fun/hard trial rooms.
Theme Egypt.
Level Objectives 4.
Description A very difficult map with the Mutator DMShieldGun with a abaddon base texture theme, this map has about 4 hard levels to challenge you.
Theme Abaddon.
Level Objectives 4.
Description A very difficult map with the Mutator DMShieldGun with my own made textures in photoshop but edited out of a Epic Games texture :p.
Theme Custom.
Level Objectives 6.
Description I dont really remember correct name but this was my first map i started on :p.
Theme Outdoors, Humanoid.
Level Objectives Dunno.
Theme Rankin.
Level Objectives Dunno.
Theme Humanoid.
Level Objectives 6.
Description A map I made for the weapon Constructor made by .:..:.
Theme Abaddon.
Level Objectives None.
Description an unfinished map I made long time ago with my friend Soto but people toke out of redirect server and putted it online :p.
Theme Egypt.
Level Objectives 1.
Description Just ignore the name please, it has nothing to do with it, it's just another fun trial map :D.
Theme Factory, Humanoid.
Level Objectives 4.
Description A map that plays in the underground with easy trials and enuf objectives to can have alot fun ^^ well if ur good at it ;).
Theme Mayan.
Level Objectives Dunno 20? :).
Description A map with the gun PortalGun with easy challenges.
Theme Humanoid.
Level Objectives 3.

DeathMatch Maps

I have a few but really to old not gonna post

CTF Maps

I have one very small CTF map for instagib but not gonna post for same reason as above sry.

Upcoming Maps

Assault Maps

AS-{Inhuman-Trials}|AS-{Inhuman-Trials}]]:Description like i said im currently not working on maps but thats not really true since im working on some actors for my maps i did start up another map and tested out my actors there so everytest i update a little on the map so maybe who knows i will release this map sometime :).
Theme Arborea.
Level Objectives 3.


Soto: I like the way you've arranged your page :)

Graphik: My guess: Eliot and Soto are the same guy going through different connections.

So welcome you both to the wiki! ;)

Soto: No, we just setup this at the same time and commented eachother to get started.