UE2:DamTypeDestroyedVehicleRoadKill (UT2004)

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UT2004 Object >> Actor >> DamageType >> DamTypeDestroyedVehicleRoadKill

This damage type is used instead of DamTypeRoadkill and DamTypePancake after the vehicle was destroyed. See ONSVehicle.DestroyedRoadKillDamageType.

Default values

Property Value
bExtraMomentumZ False
bKUseTearOffMomentum True
bLocationalHit False
bNeverSevers True
DeathString "A vehicle %k destroyed crushed %o"
FemaleSuicide "%o couldn't avoid the vehicle she destroyed."
GibModifier 2.0
GibPerterbation 0.5
MaleSuicide "%o couldn't avoid the vehicle he destroyed."