UE3:ParticleModuleUberLTISIVCL (UDK)

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UDK Object >> ParticleModule >> ParticleModuleUberBase >> ParticleModuleUberLTISIVCL
This class in other games:


Uber-module replacing the following classes: LT - Lifetime IS - Initial Size IV - Initial Velocity CL - Color over Life


Property group 'Color'


Type: DistributionFloat.RawDistributionFloat

Modifiers: export, noclear

AlphaOverLife - Gives the alpha to apply to the particles

Default value:

Member Value
Distribution DistributionAlphaOverLife
  1. 255.9
  2. 255.9
  3. 255.9
  4. 255.9
LookupTableChunkSize 1
LookupTableNumElements 1
Op 1


Type: DistributionVector.RawDistributionVector

Modifiers: export, noclear

ColorOverLife - Gives the color to apply to the particles

Default value:

Member Value
Distribution DistributionColorOverLife
  1. 0.0
  2. 0.0
  3. 0.0
  4. 0.0
  5. 0.0
  6. 0.0
  7. 0.0
  8. 0.0
LookupTableChunkSize 3
LookupTableNumElements 1
Op 1

Property group 'Lifetime'


Type: DistributionFloat.RawDistributionFloat

Modifiers: export, noclear

Lifetime - Gives the lifetime of the particles

Default value:

Member Value
Distribution DistributionLifetime
  1. 1.0
  2. 1.0
  3. 1.0
  4. 1.0
LookupTableChunkSize 1
LookupTableNumElements 1
Op 1

Property group 'Size'


Type: DistributionVector.RawDistributionVector

Modifiers: export, noclear

Size - Gives the size of the particles

Default value:

Member Value
Distribution DistributionStartSize
  1. 1.0
  2. 1.0
  3. 1.0
  4. 1.0
  5. 1.0
  6. 1.0
  7. 1.0
  8. 1.0
LookupTableChunkSize 3
LookupTableNumElements 1
Op 1

Property group 'Velocity'


Type: DistributionVector.RawDistributionVector

Modifiers: export, noclear

StartVelociy - Gives the start velocity of the particles

Default value:

Member Value
Distribution DistributionStartVelocity
  1. 0.0
  2. 10.0
  3. 0.0
  4. 0.0
  5. 0.0
  6. 0.0
  7. 0.0
  8. 10.0
  9. 0.0
  10. 0.0
  11. 0.0
  12. 0.0
  13. 0.0
  14. 10.0
LookupTableChunkSize 6
LookupTableNumElements 2
Op 2


Type: DistributionFloat.RawDistributionFloat

Modifiers: export, noclear

StartRadialVelociy - Gives the start radial velocity of the particles

Default value:

Member Value
Distribution DistributionStartVelocityRadial
  1. 0.0
  2. 0.0
  3. 0.0
  4. 0.0
LookupTableChunkSize 1
LookupTableNumElements 1
Op 1

Default values

Property Value
bSpawnModule True
bUpdateModule True
RequiredModules[0] 'ParticleModuleLifetime'
RequiredModules[1] 'ParticleModuleSize'
RequiredModules[2] 'ParticleModuleVelocity'
RequiredModules[3] 'ParticleModuleColorOverLife'