UE2:Console Commands (UT2004)

From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Revision as of 11:33, 30 July 2010 by Eliot (talk | contribs) (Alphabetic ordered)

Every console command declared in UnrealScript of UT2004 is listed here.

Engine Commands

Pawn Commands

Main article: UE2:Pawn (UT2004)
NextItem - ???.
SwitchToLastWeapon - ???.

Controller Commands

Main article: UE2:Controller (UT2004)
SwitchToBestWeapon - ???.

PlayerController Commands

Main article: UE2:PlayerController (UT2004)
ActivateInventoryItem - ???.
  1. Class InvItem - ???.
ActivateItem - ???.
Admin - ???.
  1. string CommandLine - ???.
AdminDebug - ???.
  1. string CommandLine - ???.
AdminGUI - ???.
AdminLogin - ???.
  1. string CmdLine - ???.
AdminLogout - ???.
AltFire - ???.
  1. optional float F - ???.
BehindView - ???.
  1. bool B - ???.
ChangeTeam - ???.
  1. int N - ???.
ChatDebug - ???.
ClearProgressMessages - ???.
Command - ???.
  1. string RecognizedString - ???.
CreateCameraEffect - ???.
  1. Class<CameraEffect> EffectClass - ???.
DisableVoiceChat - ???.
EnableVoiceChat - ???.
Fire - ???.
  1. optional float F - ???.
ForceReload - ???.
FOV - ???.
  1. float F - ???.
GetWeapon - ???.
  1. Class<Weapon> NewWeaponClass - ???.
GetWeaponStats - ???.
InvertLook - ???.
InvertMouse - ???.
  1. optional string Invert - ???.
Join - ???.
  1. string ChanName - ???.
  2. string ChanPwd - ???.
Jump - ???.
  1. optional float F - ???.
KillAll - ???.
  1. Class<Actor> aClass - ???.
Leave - ???.
  1. string ChannelTitle - ???.
LocalTravel - ???.
  1. string URL - ???.
Mutate - ???.
  1. string MutateString - ???.
NextWeapon - ???.
Pause - ???.
PipedSwitchWeapon - ???.
  1. byte F - ???.
PrevItem - ???.
PrevWeapon - ???.
QuickLoad - ???.
QuickSave - ???.
RestartLevel - ???.
Say - ???.
  1. string Msg - ???.
SetAutoTaunt - ???.
  1. bool Value - ???.
SetChatPassword - ???.
  1. string NewPassword - ???.
SetFlashScaling - ???.
  1. float F - ???.
SetMouseAccel - ???.
  1. float F - ???.
SetMouseSmoothing - ???.
  1. int Mode - ???.
SetName - ???.
  1. string S - ???.
SetProgressMessage - ???.
  1. int Index - ???.
  2. string S - ???.
  3. Core.Object.Color C - ???.
SetProgressTime - ???.
  1. float t - ???.
SetSensitivity - ???.
  1. float F - ???.
SetSpectateSpeed - ???.
  1. float F - ???.
SetVoice - ???.
  1. string S - ???.
SetWeaponHand - ???.
  1. string S - ???.
ShowGun - ???.
ShowMenu - ???.
ShowVoteMenu - ???.
Speak - ???.
  1. string ChannelTitle - ???.
SpeakDefault - ???.
SpeakLast - ???.
Speech - ???.
  1. name Type - ???.
  2. int Index - ???.
  3. string Callsign - ???.
Suicide - ???.
SwitchLevel - ???.
  1. string URL - ???.
SwitchTeam - ???.
SwitchWeapon - ???.
  1. byte F - ???.
TeamSay - ???.
  1. string Msg - ???.
ThrowWeapon - ???.
ToggleBehindView - ???.
ToggleScreenShotMode - ???.
Use - ???.

Inventory Commands

Main article: UE2:Inventory (UT2004)
updaterelative - ???.
  1. int Pitch - ???.
  2. int Yaw - ???.
  3. int Roll - ???.

GameInfo Commands

Main article: UE2:GameInfo (UT2004)
AdminSay - ???.
  1. string Msg - ???.
KillBots - ???.
  1. int Num - ???.

HUD Commands

Main article: UE2:HUD (UT2004)
GrowHUD - ???.
NextStats - ???.
ShowDebug - ???.
ShowHud - ???.
ShowScores - ???.
ShowStats - ???.
ShrinkHUD - ???.

PlayerInput Commands

Main article: UE2:PlayerInput (UT2004)
SetSmoothingMode - ???.
  1. byte B - ???.
SetSmoothingStrength - ???.
  1. float F - ???.

AdminBase Commands

Main article: UE2:AdminBase (UT2004)
Kick - ???.
  1. string Cmd - ???.
  2. string Extra - ???.
KickBan - ???.
  1. string S - ???.
Map - ???.
  1. string Cmd - ???.
MapList - ???.
  1. string Cmd - ???.
  2. string Extra - ???.
NextMap - ???.
PlayerList - ???.
RestartMap - ???.
Switch - ???.
  1. string URL - ???.

CheatManager Commands

Main article: UE2:CheatManager (UT2004)
AllAmmo - ???.
AllWeapons - ???.
Amphibious - ???.
Avatar - ???.
  1. string ClassName - ???.
CauseEvent - ???.
  1. name EventName - ???.
ChangeSize - ???.
  1. float F - ???.
CheatView - ???.
  1. Class<Actor> aClass - ???.
  2. optional bool bQuiet - ???.
ClearAllDebugLines - ???.
DisableNextObjective - ???.
EnableCheats - ???.
EndPath - ???.
Fly - ???.
FreeCamera - ???.
  1. bool B - ???.
FreezeAll - ???.
FreezeFrame - ???.
  1. float Delay - ???.
Ghost - ???.
God - ???.
Invisible - ???.
  1. bool B - ???.
JumpMatch - ???.
  1. int ladderrung - ???.
KillPawns - ???.
KillViewedActor - ???.
ListDynamicActors - ???.
Loaded - ???.
LockCamera - ???.
LogScriptedSequences - ???.
Phil - ???.
PlayersOnly - ???.
RememberSpot - ???.
ReviewJumpSpots - ???.
  1. name TestLabel - ???.
ruler - ???.
SetCameraDist - ???.
  1. float F - ???.
SetFlash - ???.
  1. float F - ???.
SetFogB - ???.
  1. float F - ???.
SetFogG - ???.
  1. float F - ???.
SetFogR - ???.
  1. float F - ???.
SetGravity - ???.
  1. float F - ???.
SetJumpZ - ???.
  1. float F - ???.
SetSpeed - ???.
  1. float F - ???.
SkipMatch - ???.
SloMo - ???.
  1. float t - ???.
Summon - ???.
  1. string ClassName - ???.
Teleport - ???.
ViewActor - ???.
  1. name ActorName - ???.
ViewBot - ???.
ViewClass - ???.
  1. Class<Actor> aClass - ???.
  2. optional bool bQuiet - ???.
  3. optional bool bCheat - ???.
ViewFlag - ???.
ViewPlayer - ???.
  1. string S - ???.
ViewSelf - ???.
  1. optional bool bQuiet - ???.
ViewTurret - ???.
Walk - ???.
WeakObjectives - ???.
WinMatch - ???.
WriteToLog - ???.
  1. string Param - ???.

Console Commands

Main article: UE2:Console (UT2004)
ConsoleClose - ???.
ConsoleOpen - ???.
ConsoleToggle - ???.
StartRollingDemo - ???.
StopRollingDemo - ???.
Talk - ???.
TeamTalk - ???.
Type - ???.

StreamInteraction Commands

Main article: UE2:StreamInteraction (UT2004)
GetCurrentStream - ???.
NextSong - ???.
  1. optional bool bForce - ???.
PauseSong - ???.
PlaySong - ???.
  1. string SongName - ???.
  2. float InitialTime - ???.
PrevSong - ???.
  1. optional bool bForce - ???.
SeekStream - ???.
  1. float Seconds - ???.
SetMusicVolume - ???.
  1. float NewVolume - ???.
StopSong - ???.
streamdebug - ???.
  1. string Command - ???.
  2. string Param - ???.

Onslaught Commands

ONSHUDOnslaught Commands

Main article: UE2:ONSHUDOnslaught (UT2004)
CopyLinkSetup - ???.
LinkDesigner - ???.
ToggleRadarMap - ???.

UnrealGame Commands

UnrealPlayer Commands

Main article: UE2:UnrealPlayer (UT2004)
BasePath - ???.
  1. byte Num - ???.
DropFlag - ???.
NetDebugBot - ???.
PlayVehicleHorn - ???.
  1. int HornIndex - ???.
RandomTaunt - ???.
ShowAI - ???.
SoakBots - ???.
TAUNT - ???.
  1. name Sequence - ???.

DeathMatch Commands

Main article: UE2:DeathMatch (UT2004)
AddBots - ???.
  1. int Num - ???.
AddNamedBot - ???.
  1. string botname - ???.
KillBots - ???.
  1. int Num - ???.

CinematicPlayer Commands

Main article: UE2:CinematicPlayer (UT2004)
AltFire - ???.
  1. optional float F - ???.
Fire - ???.
  1. optional float F - ???.
GotoMenu - ???.
  1. string MenuName - ???.
ShowMenu - ???.

DemoRecSpectator Commands

Main article: UE2:DemoRecSpectator (UT2004)
DemoViewNextPlayer - ???.
ViewClass - ???.
  1. Class<Actor> aClass - ???.
  2. optional bool bQuiet - ???.
  3. optional bool bCheat - ???.

UT2K4Assault Commands

HUD_Assault Commands

Main article: UE2:HUD_Assault (UT2004)
ShowObjectiveBoard - ???.
ShowSpawnAreas - ???.

ASGameInfo Commands

Main article: UE2:ASGameInfo (UT2004)
NewRound - ???.

ASVehicle_SpaceFighter Commands

Main article: UE2:ASVehicle_SpaceFighter (UT2004)
TargetClosestToCrosshair - ???.

UTV2004c Commands

utvReplication Commands

Main article: UE2:utvReplication (UT2004)
utvsay - ???.
  1. string S - ???.

XAdmin Commands

AdminIni Commands

Main article: UE2:AdminIni (UT2004)
Bots - ???.
  1. string Cmd - ???.
  2. string Extra - ???.
Game - ???.
  1. string Cmd - ???.
  2. string Extra - ???.
Mutators - ???.
  1. string Cmd - ???.
  2. string Extra - ???.
User - ???.
  1. string Cmd - ???.
  2. string Extra - ???.

XGame Commands

xPlayer Commands

Main article: UE2:xPlayer (UT2004)
AdminMenu - ???.
  1. string CommandLine - ???.
ChangeCharacter - ???.
  1. string newCharacter - ???.
check - ???.
CheckPriority - ???.
L33TPhrase - ???.
  1. int PhraseNum - ???.
ShowAliases - ???.
ShowBindings - ???.
SpecViewGoal - ???.

XInterface Commands

ExtendedConsole Commands

Main article: UE2:ExtendedConsole (UT2004)
AddCurrentToFavorites - ???.
Cls - ???.
ConsoleClose - ???.
ConsoleOpen - ???.
ConsoleToggle - ???.
DebugTabOrder - ???.
DLO - ???.
  1. string ClassName - ???.
  2. string ClassType - ???.
DumpLoadingHints - ???.
  1. string Param - ???.
DumpPlayInfo - ???.
  1. string Group - ???.
DumpRecords - ???.
  1. string Type - ???.
IngameChat - ???.
MusicMenu - ???.
PlayWaitingGame - ???.
ServerInfo - ???.
SpeechMenuToggle - ???.
TeamChatOnly - ???.

HudCDeathmatch Commands

Main article: UE2:HudCDeathmatch (UT2004)
GrowHUD - ???.
ShrinkHUD - ???.

XWebAdmin Commands

UTServerAdminSpectator Commands

Main article: UE2:UTServerAdminSpectator (UT2004)
DumpMaplists - ???.
  1. string GameType - ???.

See also

External links