Legacy:Add An Actor

From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site

This is a Category:Legacy Basic Procedure tutorial page. It explains how to perform a single procedure which is required in many different contexts.

Find the class in the browser

To add an actor to your map:

Open the Actor Class Browser: either

This shows the class tree descended from the class Actor. When working within UnrealEd, you'll probably always want to leave the two options checked: 'use Actor as parent' and 'placeable classes only'.

Navigate through the Class Tree to the class you want to add. On the Unreal Wiki, we represent the parentage of a class like this:

Actor >> ChildClass >> GrandchildClass >> etc ... >> TheClassWeWant

Click on a [+] to expand a tree branch. Click on the Actor class you would like to add to the map...

Actor Classes Browser
Actor Classes Browser

Add the actor

In one of the UnrealEd Viewports, do:

Viewport Context Menu -> Add <selected actor> here

The name of the actor you selected in the tree should appear in the context menu.

In a 3D viewport the actor will appear near the surface that was right-clicked. In a 2D view, UnrealEd will take the third coordinate to be 0 and may refuse to place the actor in solid space.

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