Legacy:Add An Actor
This is a Category:Legacy Basic Procedure tutorial page. It explains how to perform a single procedure which is required in many different contexts.
Find the class in the browser
To add an actor to your map:
Open the Actor Class Browser: either
- click the button in the toolbar
- or do UnrealEd Main Menu -> View -> Actor Class Browser.
This shows the class tree descended from the class Actor. When working within UnrealEd, you'll probably always want to leave the two options checked: 'use Actor as parent' and 'placeable classes only'.
Navigate through the Class Tree to the class you want to add. On the Unreal Wiki, we represent the parentage of a class like this:
- Actor >> ChildClass >> GrandchildClass >> etc ... >> TheClassWeWant
Click on a [+] to expand a tree branch. Click on the Actor class you would like to add to the map...

Add the actor
In one of the UnrealEd Viewports, do:
- Viewport Context Menu -> Add <selected actor> here
The name of the actor you selected in the tree should appear in the context menu.
In a 3D viewport the actor will appear near the surface that was right-clicked. In a 2D view, UnrealEd will take the third coordinate to be 0 and may refuse to place the actor in solid space.
Related Topics
- For how to set the properties of the actor, see Set The Following Properties
- For more on working with actors in general, see Actor Overview.