I don't need to test my programs. I have an error-correcting modem.
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
The HUD class used in DeathMatchPlus and its subclasses. (basically in all UT game types)
- int SizeY
- int Count
- string CurrentMessage
- float MOTDFadeOutTime
- float IdentifyFadeTime
- PlayerReplicationInfo IdentifyTarget
- Pawn (UT) PawnOwner
- The Pawn currently managing this HUD. (May be the viewtarget of the owner rather than the owner.)
- FontInfo MyFonts
- A FontInfo object used to load different font sizes for messages.
- HUDLocalizedMessage ShortMessageQueue[4]
- Up to four messages displayed in the chat area.
- HUDLocalizedMessage LocalMessages[10]
- Up to ten messages currently displayed on the screen.
- Texture FaceTexture
- float FaceTime
- color FaceTeam
- localized string VersionMessage
- localized string PlayerCountString
- localized string MapTitleString, MapTitleString2
- localized string AuthorString, AuthorString2
- localized string RankString
- localized string SpreadString
- int PlayerCount
- bool bTiedScore
- string ReceivedMessage
- string ReceivedName
- ZoneInfo ReceivedZone
- float ReceivedTime
- Texture TutIconTex
- int TutIconX, TutIconY
- float TutIconBlink
- globalconfig int CrosshairCount
- globalconfig string CrossHairs[20]
- Texture CrossHairTextures[20]
- Texture GrayWeapons[11]
- Texture FP1[3], FP2[3], FP3[3]
- int LastReportedTime
- bool bStartUpMessage
- bool bForceScores
- bool bTimeValid
- bool bLowRes
- bool bResChanged
- int OldClipX
- bool bAlwaysHideFrags
- bool bHideCenterMessages
- globalconfig bool bHideAllWeapons
- globalconfig bool bHideStatus
- globalconfig bool bHideAmmo
- globalconfig bool bHideTeamInfo
- globalconfig bool bHideFrags
- globalconfig bool bHideHUD
- globalconfig bool bHideNoviceMessages
- globalconfig bool bHideFaces
- globalconfig bool bUseTeamColor
- globalconfig byte Opacity
- should be between 1 and 16
- globalconfig float HUDScale
- globalconfig bool StatusScale
- globalconfig bool WeaponScale
- globalconfig color FavoriteHUDColor
- globalconfig bool CrosshairColor
- float Scale
- byte Style
- Set to either ERenderStyle.STY_Normal or (if Opacity < 16 and Level.bHighDetailMode == True ) ERenderStyle.STY_Translucent.
- color BaseColor
- color UnitColor
- R=1, G=1, B=1
- color WhiteColor, RedColor, GreenColor, CyanColor, BlueColor, GoldColor, PurpleColor, TurqColor, GrayColor
- The colors white, red, green, etc.
- color HUDColor, SolidHUDColor
- color FaceColor
- localized string IdentifyName, IdentifyHealth, IdentifyCallsign
- localized string LiveFeed
- float ScoreTime
- int rank
- int lead
- vector HitPos[4]
- float HitTime[4]
- float HitDamage[4]
- float PickupTime
- Time index of the last item pickup.
- float WeaponNameFade
- float MessageFadeTime
- int MessageFadeCount
- bool bDrawMessageArea
- bool bDrawFaceArea
- float FaceAreaOffset, MinFaceAreaOffset
- class<CriticalEventPlus> TimeMessageClass
- ServerInfo ServerInfo
- bool bShowInfo
- class<ServerInfo> ServerInfoClass
- globalconfig string FontInfoClass
Exec functions[edit]
- exec function SetHUDR (int n)
- exec function SetHUDG (int n)
- exec function SetHUDB (int n)
- exec function ShowServerInfo ( )
- exec function GrowHUD ( )
- exec function ShrinkHUD ( )
Simulated functions[edit]
- simulated function PostRender (Canvas Canvas)
- Main rendering function.
- simulated function ChangeCrosshair (int d)
- simulated function Texture LoadCrosshair (int c)
- simulated function HUDSetup (Canvas Canvas)
- simulated function DrawDigit (Canvas Canvas, int d, int Step, float UpScale, out byte bMinus )
- simulated function DrawBigNum (Canvas Canvas, int Value, int X, int Y, optional float ScaleFactor)
- simulated function DrawStatus (Canvas Canvas)
- simulated function DrawAmmo (Canvas Canvas)
- simulated function DrawFragCount (Canvas Canvas)
- simulated function DrawGameSynopsis (Canvas Canvas)
- simulated function DrawWeapons (Canvas Canvas)
- simulated function DisplayProgressMessage (Canvas Canvas)
- simulated function TellTime (int num)
- simulated function Tick (float DeltaTime)
- simulated function DrawMOTD (Canvas Canvas)
- simulated function DrawCrossHair (Canvas Canvas, int X, int Y)
- simulated function DrawTypingPrompt (Canvas Canvas, Console Console)
- simulated function Message (PlayerReplicationInfo PRI, coerce string Msg, name MsgType)
- simulated function bool DisplayMessages (Canvas Canvas)
- simulated function float DrawNextMessagePart (Canvas Canvas, string MString, float XOffset, int YPos)
- simulated function bool TraceIdentify (Canvas Canvas)
- simulated function bool SpecialIdentify (Canvas Canvas, Actor Other)
- simulated function SetIDColor (Canvas Canvas, int type)
- simulated function DrawTwoColorID (Canvas Canvas, string TitleString, string ValueString, int YStart)
- simulated function bool DrawIdentifyInfo (Canvas Canvas)
- simulated function LocalizedMessage (class<LocalMessage (UT)> Message, optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2, optional Object OptionalObject, optional String CriticalString )
Other functions[edit]
- function SetDamage (vector HitLoc, float damage)
- function DrawTalkFace (Canvas Canvas, int i, float YPos)
- function bool DrawSpeechArea (Canvas Canvas, float XL, float YL)
- function Timer ( )
- function UpdateRankAndSpread ( )