My program doesn't have bugs. It just develops random features.
Legacy:Default Properties For Weapons
Wormbo: These properties should be moved to their respective classes Weapon (UT), TournamentWeapon, Enforcer, SniperRifle, etc.
Default properties[edit]
Here are only some of the default properties and what they do.[edit]
- Pulled directly from .uc files in Botpack.
bCanThrow= if true, player can toss this weapon out
RespawnTime= Respawn after this time, 0 for never respawns
FireAnims(0)= name of firing mesh #1
FireAnims(1)= name of firing mesh #2
FireAnims(2)= name of firing mesh #3
FireAnims(3)= name of firing mesh #4
FireAnims(4)= name of firing mesh #5
bClientAnim= If false, this seems to replicate all playanim calls to the client, negating the need for specialized playanim functions being replicated
DoubleName= this allows for a name change upon picking up another (when akimbo is available)
WeaponDescription= pretty self explanitory, its the string displayed as weapon info
aimerror= aim Error for bots (note this value doubled if instant hit weapon)
FireAdjust= magnitude of firing speed adjustment (%/100) based on skill for bots. (1.0 for non-bots)
AmmoName= indicates the class that is picked up to add ammo
PickupAmmoCount= integer (or whole number) representing the amount of ammo weapon has upon pickup
bSplashDamage= tells bot AI whether it causes splash damage or not
bRecommendSplashDamage= if true, bot preferentially tries to use splash damage rather than direct hits
bRecommendAltSplashDamage= same as bRecommendSplashDamage, but for the AltFire function
bWarnTarget= bot AI related - when firing projectile, warn the target
bAltWarnTarget= same as bWarnTarget, but for the AltFire function
bInstantHit= Boolean or true/false setting for allowing instant hit damage, good for use when you need a fast hit from the weapon (like a rifle) with no projectile
bAltInstantHit= same as bInstantHit, but for the AltFire function
ProjectileClass= class of the bullet to spawn when fired
AltProjectileClass= same as ProjectileClass, but for the AltFire function
FiringSpeed= used by human animations in determining firing speed
FireOffset= X, Y, and Z co-ordinates to adjust where a projectile or effect emits from weapon in first-person view, calculated from the playermodel's Mesh Origin
bMeleeWeapon= used by bot AI to determine if it is a close range weapon
bRapidFire= used by human animations in determining firing animation (for still firing)
MyDamageType= type of damage weapon inflicts, standard is "shot"
AltDamageType= type of damage AltFire inflicts, same as MyDamageType
shakevert= Screen shake vector X component
shakemag= Screen shake vector Z component
shaketime= Screen shake vector Y component
AIRating= used by bot AI - how much the use of this weapon is desired
RefireRate= used by bot AI - how much is the chance (%) of bot holding down the fire button
same as RefireRate, but for the AltFire function
FireSound= sound class played when Fire function is executed
AltFireSound= same as FireSound, but for the AltFire function
CockingSound= sound class played when CockingSound function is executed
SelectSound= sound class played when SelectSound function is executed
DeathMessage= message string displayed when weapon sucessfully scores a frag
NameColor= R, G, B values of weapon's name color when displayed
bDrawMuzzleFlash= Boolean switch for showing the muzzleflash on, or off
MuzzleScale= scale of muzzleflash model when displayed (as seen from first-person view)
MFTexture= texture class displayed as muzzleflash, can be animated (as seen from first-person view)
AutoSwitchPriority= integer ordering its priority of being auto-switched to when picked up, can be altered ingame from preferences
InventoryGroup= (not to clear on this...) integer assigning its space in the inventory. No two inventory items should have the same group, although it doesn't really seem to matter. I suggest doing it anyway, better safe than sorry.
PickupMessage= message string displayed upon weapon pickup
ItemName= name of the weapon when displayed
PlayerViewOffset= This is a drawing offset vector, noting that all values are multiplied by 100 (or -100)in the sethand function.
- X Moves the gun Forwards or Backwards from the Player, Y Moves Left and Right, and Z moves Up and Down.
PlayerViewMesh= lodmesh class used for first-person view of weapon (usually contains the most animations)
PickupViewMesh= lodmesh class used for the pickup version of weapon
ThirdPersonMesh= lodmesh class used for the third-person version of a weapon
StatusIcon= texture class determining what icon to use on the hud for weapon
MuzzleFlashMesh= lodmesh class used for the third-person view of the muzzleflash
MuzzleFlashScale= scale of MuzzleFlashMesh
MuzzleFlashTexture= texture class used on MuzzleFlashMesh, can be animated
PickupSound= sound class played upon weapon pickup
Icon= texture class used on hud, similar to status icon
bHidden= Boolean setting used to make weapon invisible ingame
Mesh= lodmesh class displayed in weapon info screens, UnrealED'smesh editor for example
bNoSmooth= Boolean setting to turn off Unreal's automatic poly smoothing, makes meshes look more angular, good for flat edges or sharp corners (can be manipulated on a per-poly basis using UnrealFX)
CollisionRadius= amount of unreal units horizontally from weapon origin collision occurs, see Collision Detection
CollisionHeight= amount of unreal units vertically collision occurs seeCollision Detection
BobDamping= how much to damp view bob
Mass= measure of mass of an object, only use i know of is so Pawn (UT) can determine which player animation to play with which items. e.g. mass < 20 means small weapon hold and fire anims like pistol, mass > 20 means large weapon hold and fire anims using 2 hands spread like rocket launcher.