Worst-case scenario: the UEd Goblin wipes the map and burns down your house.
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Abstraction for weapon classes specific to Unreal Tournament. Includes network-optimized code not present in Weapon (UT).
- TournamentPickup Affector
- An item that receives a FireEffect call when the weapon is fired. The damage amplifier and the Relic of Strength use this to play their special firing sounds.
- string WeaponDescription [localized]
- This is a localized string variable containing the weapon's description displayed in the weapon priority window.
- float InstFlash, InstFog
- Values used for instant flash when firing.
- bool bCanClientFire
- Whether the client should allow the player to fire or not.
- bool bForceFire, bForceAltFire
- float FireTime, AltFireTime, FireStartTime
- Not used.
Known Subclasses[edit]
- ChainSaw
- Enforcer
- ImpactHammer
- Minigun2
- PulseGun
- Ripper
- ShockRifle (UT)
- SniperRifle (UT)
- Translocator
- UT_BioRifle
- UT_Eightball
- UT_FlakCannon
- WarheadLauncher