Mostly Harmless

Legacy:Effects (UT)

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UT :: Actor (UT) >> Effects (Package: Engine)

Effects are actors in UT that produce various, well, effects. You can add them into your level just the way you would with a Decoration (UT), and then trigger them to make them produce their effect. Note that a lot of these effects are used by the game for things like weapons hits and players gibbing, so there may only be a few Effects that are useful in mapping.

See Effects for the UT2003 version of this page.

Known Subclasses[edit]

Effects (UT)
  +- AnimSpriteEffect
  |    +- DefaultBurst
  |    |    +- DefaultBurstAlt
  |    +- EnergyBurst
  |    +- FlameExplosion
  |    +- RipperPulse
  |    +- ShockExplo
  |    +- SmokeColumn
  |    +- SmokeExplo
  |    +- SpriteBallExplosion
  |    |    +- SilentBallExplosion
  |    |    +- SpriteBallChild
  |    |    +- SpriteBlueExplo
  |    |         +- SpriteGreenE
  |    |         +- SpriteOrangeE
  |    |         +- SpriteRedE
  |    |         +- SpriteYellowE
  |    +- SpriteLightning
  |    +- SpriteSmokePuff
  |    +- UTFlameExplosion
  |    +- UTSpriteBallExplosion
  |    +- UTSpriteSmokePuff
  |    |    +- BigBlackSmoke
  |    |    +- BlackSmoke
  |    |    +- BloodPuff
  |    |    +- GreenSmokePuff
  |    |    |    +- GreenBloodPuff
  |    |    |    +- GreenGelPuff
  |    |    +- RisingSpriteSmokePuff
  |    |    +- WallHitEffect
  |    |    |    +- HeavyWallHitEffect
  |    |    |    +- LightWallHitEffect
  |    |    +- UTFlameExplosion
  |    |    +- UTSpriteBallExplosion
  |    |    |    +- SuperShockExplo
  |    |    |    +- UTSpriteBallChild
  |    |    +- UTSpriteSmokePuff
  |    |         +- UTBlackSmoke
  |    |         +- UTBloodPuff
  |    |         |    +- UTBigBloodPuff
  |    |         +- UTGreenBloodPuff
  |    |         +- UTGreenGelPuff
  |    +- WarExplosion
  |         +- WarExplosion2
  +- ArrowSpawner
  +- BallExplosion
  +- Blood2
  |    +- BloodBurst
  |    +- BloodSpray
  |    |    +- GreenBloodSpray
  |    +- BloodSpurt
  |    +- BloodTrail
  +- BloodPool
  +- BoulderSpawner
  +- Bubble
  +- Bubble1
  +- BulletHit
  +- BulletImpact
  |    +- UTWallhit
  |         +- ImpactMark
  |         +- SawHit
  |         +- UTHeavyWallHitEffect
  |         +- UTLightWallHitEffect
  +- CannonMuzzle
  +- Carflash
  +- Chip
  +- ChunkTrail
  +- DExplosion
  +- EIEffects (EnhancedItems)
  |    +- PlayerShellEffect
  |         +- PlayerShell
  |         +- PlayerSphere
  +- Electricity
  +- EnhancedRespawn
  +- ExplodingWall
  |    +- BreakingGlass
  +- ExplosionChain
  +- FatRing
  +- Flame
  +- FlameBall
  +- GreenBlob
  +- MercFlare
  +- MortarSpawner
  +- ParticleBurst
  |    +- ParticleBurst2
  +- PawnTeleportEffect
  |    +- QueenTeleportEffect
  |    +- UTTeleportEffect
  +- PlasmaCap
  |    +- PlasmaHit
  +- PlasmaEffect
  +- QueenShield
  +- RedeemerTrail
  +- ReSpawn
  +- RingExplosion
  |    +- RingExplosion2
  |    +- RingExplosion3
  |    +- RingExplosion4
  |    +- WaterRing
  +- RocketTrail
  +- Shield
  +- ShieldBeltEffect
  +- ShockBeam
  |    +- ShockBeam2
  +- ShockRifleWave
  +- ShockWave
  +- SmallSpark
  |    +- SmallSpark2
  |    +- Spark3
  |         +- Spark32
  |         +- Spark33
  |         +- Spark34
  |         +- Spark35
  +- SmokeGenerator
  |    +- ShortSmokeGen
  +- SmokeHose
  +- SmokeHoseDest
  +- SmokePuff
  +- SmokeTrail
  +- SparkBit
  +- Sparks
  +- SpikeExplosion
  +- splash
  +- SpriteExplosion
  +- supershockbeam
  +- Tazerexplosion
  +- TinyBurst
  +- TranslocGlow
  |    +- TranslocBLue
  |    +- TranslocGold
  |    +- TranslocGreen
  +- TranslocOutEffect
  +- TSmoke
  +- UTBlood2
  |    +- UTBloodBurst
  |    |    +- UTBloodHit
  |    |         +- UTBigBloodHit
  |    +- UTBloodTrail
  +- UTBloodDrop
  +- UTGreenBlob
  +- UTRingExplosion
  |    +- UTComboRing
  |    |    +- UTRingExplosion4
  |    +- UTRingExplosion3
  |    +- UTRingExplosion5
  |    +- utsuperring
  |         +- UTSuperring2
  +- UTShieldBeltEffect
  +- UTShortSmokeGen
  +- UTSpark
  +- UTSparks
  +- UTSmokeTrail
  |    +- UTLightSmokeTrail
  +- UTTeleEffect
  +- WaterImpact

ProjectX: we could do with some screenshots for each page showing what each effect does, we could also do with adding the properties that need to be set and how to work them