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This class is part of the EnhancedItems package by Wormbo.


  • Global sound effects for respawn and pickup (heard by all players)
  • aura effects for the pickup itself and the owning player
  • stackable damage/speed/jump-height/air-control factors for owning player and his selected weapon (fixes the jumpboots bug when using speed relic; the weapon must be an Legacy:EnhancedItems/EnhancedWeapon to support speed scaling)
  • new armor and damagetype functions
  • weapon affector chain to allow more than one item to affect a weapon (use FireFunction() and set bFireEffectLast to true or false instead of using FireEffect())
  • may draw on HUD before and after weapon is drawn if it is a weapon affector and the weapon is an Legacy:EnhancedItems/EnhancedWeapon (see PreRenderOverlaysFor())


MaxDamageFactor = 10.0
MinDamageFactor = 0.3
Damage factor range any combination of PickupPlus items can achieve.
MaxSpeedFactor = 2.5
MinSpeedFactor = 0.3
Weapon and movement speed factor range any combination of PickupPlus items can achieve.


int AltCharge
An alternate charge value provided for armor items whose charge should not be added up for the total armor amount.
bool bAltCharge
Whether this item uses AltCharge instead of the Charge property.
float BlinkIcon
A generic variable for a blinking effect. Various subclasses use this in different ways.
Legacy:EnhancedItems/EIDeathMessageMutator EIDMM
Reference to the currently active EnhancedItems death message mutator responsible for creating the enhanced death messages. See SetKillType() and RestoreKillType() functions.
Pawn (UT) PawnOwner
The pawn owning this item.

Globally Configurable Properties

bool bDebugMode
Enables EnhancedItems debug mode. In debug mode, various EnhancedItems classes will log certain events, such as registering HUD mutators, performing Legacy:EnhancedItems/MultiPickupPlus actions, verifying PickupPlus chain etc.
bool bDrawShieldOverWeapon
The item may draw a shield effect on the weapon.
bool bDropEffects
Specifies whether the actor should drop some visual effects for slower machines.
bool bEnhancedStatusDoll
Whether the EIChallengeHud mutator should automatically be loaded in order to display a customized player status icon.
string DecimalChar
Decimal point character for customizing distance display strings.
int UsedUnit
Prefered distance unit's index. (see localized unit properties)

Localized Properties

string UnitDisplay[4]
Short name of distance units.
string UnitFullName[4]
Full name of distance units.
float UnitRatio[4]
Conversion ratio of distance units. (factor relative to unit 0)

Weapon-related Properties

TournamentWeapon AffectedWeapon
The weapon this PickupPlus is currently registered to as affector.
TournamentPickup (UT) NextAffector
The next TournamentPickup in the affectors chain. This chain can contain any number of PickupPlus items and optionally also one TournamentPickup. Since TournamentPickups don't support an affectors chain, they are always placed last.
bool bFireEffectLast
Whether this item's FireFunction() should be called after later affectors' FireEffect() or FireFunction().

Pickup-related Properties

bool bAllowSameClassPickup
Whether this item can be picked up if another item of the same class is already in the player's inventory.
bool bDeniedAnnounce
Whether nearby players should receive a "Denied" sound notification when this item is picked up.
sound DeniedAnnounce
The "Denied" sound to play.
float DeniedRadius
The radius to look for players who should hear the "Denied" sound.
sound GlobalPickupSound
A sound that is heared by all players on the map when this item is picked up.
sound GlobalRespawnSound
A sound that is heared by all players in the map when this item respawns.
name IdenticalTo
Used by ClassIsA() and OtherIsA() functions to mark this pickup class as identical to another class.
Legacy:EnhancedItems/PlayerShellEffect PickupShellEffect
An aura/shield effect around the pickup itself, which is created through the following two properties.
Texture (UT) PickupShellSkin
The texture to use for the pickup shell.
class<Legacy:EnhancedItems/PlayerShellEffect> PickupShellType
The pickup shell class to use.
name ReplaceTag
Used to prevent multiple similar items in a player's inventory. When picked up, other PickupPlus items in the player's inventory with the same ReplaceTag are removed.

Player-modifying Properties

float AddToBuoyancyFactor
Factor for the player's buoyancy, i.e. how well the player floats in water.
float AddToDamageFactor
Factor for the player's damage output.
float AddToJumpZFactor
Factor for the player's jump strength.
float AddToMassFactor
Factor for the player's mass. Affects momentum received from hits.
float AddToOwnerSpeed
Factor for for player's movement speed.
float AddToSpeedFactor
Factor for player's weapon firing speed. (only affects EnhancedWeapons)
bool bDeactivatable
Whether the item can be deactivated while it's in the player's inventory.
bool bIsSpecialArmor
This armor item absorbs damage without draining its (alt)charge. This is used e.g. by the Enhanced Relic of Defense or the Q3T Battle Suit.
bool bNeverAutoActivate
Whether the item must be activated manually after being picked up.
bool bPawnDamageUp
Whether the player's damage is modified by this item.
bool bPawnMassAffect
Whether the player's mass is modified by this item.
bool bPawnSpeedUp
Whether the player's movement speed is modified by this item.
bool bWeaponSpeedUp
Whether the player's weapon firing speed is modified by this item.
float DesiredAirControl
Desired value for the player's air control.
float ProtectedDamageFactor
Factor for damage of type ProtectionType.

Display Properties

bool bIsBeltArmor
This item should be displayed as an armor item in the "belt" slot.
bool bIsBeltSpecial
This item should be displayed as special item in the "belt" slot.
bool bIsBootsArmor
This item should be displayed as an armor item in the "belt" slot.
bool bIsChestArmor
This item should be displayed as an armor item in the "belt" slot.
bool bIsChestSpecial
This item should be displayed as special item in the "belt" slot.
bool bIsGlovesArmor
This item should be displayed as an armor item in the "belt" slot.
bool bIsGlovesSpecial
This item should be displayed as special item in the "belt" slot.
bool bIsJumpBoots
This item should be displayed as an armor item in the "belt" slot.
bool bIsShieldArmor
This item should be displayed as an armor item in the "belt" slot.
bool bIsShieldSpecial
This item should be displayed as special item in the "belt" slot.
bool bIsThighArmor
This item should be displayed as an armor item in the "belt" slot.
bool bIsThighSpecial
This item should be displayed as special item in the "belt" slot.
bool bMakesInvisible
Whether this item currently makes the player invisible.
bool bRenderOverlays
Whether this item wants to do something right before or after weapon overlays are rendered.
bool bShellAlwaysOn
Whether the player is always surrounded by an aura or shield effect.
Legacy:EnhancedItems/PlayerShellEffect ShellEffect
A reference to the shell effect spawned for the player.
Texture (UT) ShellSkin
The texture to apply to the player's shell effect.
class<Legacy:EnhancedItems/PlayerShellEffect> ShellType
The type of shell effect to spawn for the player.

Category:Legacy Custom Class (UT)

Category:Legacy To Do – functions list