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UT :: Actor (UT) >> Effects (UT) >> Legacy:EnhancedItems/EIEffects >> PlayerShellEffect (Package: (EnhancedItems]])

This class is part of the EnhancedItems package by Wormbo.

It is the base class for all kinds of effects that surround objects or players.


float AnimRate 
How fast the shell effect should animate in Visible state.
bool bIdleLight 
Whether the effect should still emmit light in Idle state.
EFormAnim FormAnim 
How the effect should fade in.
float FormTime 
How long it should take the effect to fade in.
EGlowAnim GlowAnim 
How the effect's glow changes over time while it's visible.
float GlowRate 
How fast the effect's glow changes while it's visible.
float MaxGlow 
Maximum brightness for glow changes.
float MinGlow 
Minimum brightness for glow changes.
EVanishAnim VanishAnim 
How the effect should fade out.
float VanishTime 
How long it takes for the effect to fade out.
EVisibleAnim VisibleAnim 
How the effect's size or fatness offset should change while the effect is visible.
float VisibleTime 
How long the effect is visible before it fased out again. (0 means visible until destroyed)

For Legacy:EnhancedItems/PlayerShell[edit]

int MaxOffset
int MinOffset 
Fatness offset range while visible.

For Legacy:EnhancedItems/PlayerSphere[edit]

float EndSize 
Final size in Vanishing state with SVANISH_GrowFade.
float MaxSize
float MinSize 
Size range while visible.
float StartSize 
Start size when fading in and final size in Vanishing state with SVANISH_Shrink and SVANISH_ShrinkFade.


float AnimTime 
float CurGlow 
int CurOffset 
float CurSize 
float FlashTime 
float GlowTime 
Legacy:EnhancedItems/PickupPlus Master 
PickupPlus managing this effect.



Fade-in animations.

Appears instantly. This is basically the same as a FormTime = 0.
Effect grows until it reaches its maximum size after FormTime.
Effect's glow increases until it reaches MaxGlow after FromTime.
Effect grows and its glow increases while fading in.


How the glow changes over time while the effect is visible.

No glow changes.
Glow increases over time and jumps to MinGlow when it reaches MaxGlow.
Glow decreases over time and jumps to MaxGlow when it reaches MinGlow.
Glow fades back and forth between MinGlow and MaxGlow.
Glow fades to its original value after flashing.


Fade-out animations.

Instantly disappears. This is basically the same as a VanishTime = 0.
Effect shrinks until it reaches its start size after VanishTime.
Effect's glow decreases until it reaches 0 after VanishTime.
Effects shrinks and its glow decreases while fading out.
Effects grows to EndSize and its glow decreases while fading out.


How the effect's size changes over time while the effect is visible.

No size changes.
Effect's size fades back and forth between MinSize/MinOffset and MaxSize/MaxOffset.
Effect grows over time and jumps to MinSize/MinOffset when it reaches MaxSize/MaxOffset.
Effect shrinks over time and jumps to MaxSize/MaxOffset when it reaches MinSize/MinOffset.
Effect's size fades to its original value after flashing.


Inherited From Legacy:EnhancedItems/EIEffects[edit]

DestroyMe( ) 
Destroys the effect if it's not currently visible, otherwise puts it into state Vanishing.

New Methods[edit]

SetFlashTime(float NewFlashTime) 
Lets the effect 'flash' for the specified duration.
ShowMe( ) 
Puts the effect into state Forming if it's currently Idle.
UpdateFlash(float DeltaTime) 
Updates the FlashTime and makes sure an bOwnerNoSee effect is visible in behind view.



The effect is not visible.


The effect fades in and then switches to state Visible.

UpdateAppearance( ) 
Called every tick to update the effect's appearance.


The effect is visible.

UpdateAppearance( ) 
Called every tick to update the effect's appearance.


The effect is fading out. It either destroys itself if DestroyMe() was called and otherwise goes into state Idle.

UpdateAppearance( ) 
Called every tick to update the effect's appearance.


The effect is currently used as a Legacy:EnhancedItems/PickupPlus' shell effect. This is being used by the Q3Enviro pickup (aka. Battle Suit) in Quake 3 Tournament to create the gold halo around the pickup itself.

Known Subclasses[edit]

EnhancedItems Subclasses[edit]

Direct Subclasses in EnhancedItems-based Mods[edit]

  • DeathShell – an invisible PlayerShellEffect used by the Relic of Vengeance from Enhanced Relics, which spawns skulls behind the player similar to the shadows of the Relic of Speed