Gah - a solution with more questions. – EntropicLqd


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Revision as of 02:26, 13 May 2003 by Tarquin (Talk | contribs)

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UT2003 :: Object >> KarmaParamsCollision >> KarmaParams >> KarmaParamsRBFull

This is a more advanced, but otherwise functionally identical version of KarmaParams. It allows control over the center of mass and its inertial properties. It adds the following variables:

The mass distribution of the actor. I don't fully understand what the values for this mean, but I am interested to find out. Please don't hesitate to fill this in if you know more about the inertia tensor setting than I do.
The center of mass offset. This is a vector indicating the location of the center of mass of this actor, relative to it's geographical center. It defaults to 0,0,0.