Legacy:Level Properties
This window looks exactly like the Actor Properties window, and holds properties for the level as a whole. Open it in one of the following ways:
- UnrealEd Main Menu -> View -> Level Properties
- by pressing the F6 key.
It's in fact the properties for an actor of the class LevelInfo, which added automatically but UnrealEd to a new map, but made invisible. AFAIK, the only property group that's relevant is LevelInfo.
The Audio section is also useful for adding music to a level - Birelli
- Note: LevelInfo covers this in more depth. I suggest we keep on this page just the essentials that pammers will need. Tarquin
Stuff for the UT browser
- Title
- Name of the map.
- Author
- Who built it.
- IdealPlayerCount
- Ideal number of players for this level, as a string, eg "6-8"
- Texture Screenshot
- A preview of the map. (see Level Screenshot)
- DefaultGameType
Gametype you want to have your map played with in the format "Package.ClassName" e.g. xGame.xCTFGame for CTF maps. This is essential for a number of gametypes to work correctly. Valid values are found in the Actor browser under GameInfo (UT). Here's a list of the built-ins:
- DM : XGame.xDeathMatch
- TDM : XGame.xTeamgame
- CTF : XGame.xCTFGame
- vCTF : XGame.xVehicleCTFGame
- BR : XGame.xBombingRun
- DOM : XGame.xDoubleDom
- ONS : Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame
- AS : UT2k4Assault.ASGameInfo
Surrogate ZoneInfo
LevelInfo can set properties for any zones that don't have their own ZoneInfo actor.
- Zonelight
- gravity
- etc
- You can in fact look at the properties of LevelInfo in the Actor Properties window, by selecting the LevelInfo0 object in the Actor Search window.
- If you for some reason want to see the LevelInfo actor in your map, set Advanced -> bHiddenEd = false.
- Add all properties relevant for mappers (with explanation).
Tarquin: I've made myself a textPad macro which takes a block of "var()" lines and turns them into a block of wiki ";:". I'll run LevelInfo's script through it next time I have UEd open. (which reminds me... UnDox Revisited...)
Tarquin: Doh. all the props are on LevelInfo.
Mychaeel: I know, but if that's sufficient then this page is obsolete and we should delete it. Or LevelInfo should remain the reference for docers (see above) and this page should get a bit more comprehensive for mappers' needs.