Worst-case scenario: the UEd Goblin wipes the map and burns down your house.


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UT2003 :: Actor >> Info >> SceneManager (Package: Engine)

Manages a matinee scene. Contains a list of action items that will be played out in order.

SceneManager is the class which controls the action(s) of the player's viewpoint (the "camera") and Actors (usually Movers) during cinematic scenes, including motion through the scene, event triggering, fades in and out between scenes, and a number of other properties.

SceneManager (and Matinee) need not be used only in "cutscene" type cinematics. It's also useful in normal gameplay scenarios.

Warning: During the Matinee, the local player's Controller follows the camera movements of the Matinee, while the player's Pawn is meant to be either controlled by an AIScript or uncontrolled. If killed during the Matinee, the player may be left in limbo when the SceneManager attempts to have the Controller re-possess a non-existant Pawn.

Matinee is the GUI used in UEd 3 to create SceneManager content (Properties and Action items) and to define motion paths. It is strongly recommended that you use this GUI instead of directly manipulating the SceneManager actor's properties.



array<MatAction> Actions (export, editinline) 
Actor AffectedActor 
The name of the actor which will follow the matinee path (if Affect==AFFECT_Actor).
bool bLooping 
If this is TRUE, the path will looping endlessly.
bool bCinematicView 
Should the screen go into letterbox mode when playing this scene?
name PlayerScriptTag 
Tag of sequence that player's pawn should use during sequence. Note: This is broken. In the code, it searches for the AIScript in question via the DynamicActors iterator, but AIScripts are always static.
name NextSceneTag 
The tag of the next scenemanager to execute when this one finishes.
name EventStart 
Fired when the scene starts.
name EventEnd 
Fired when the scene ends.
bool bHideHUD 
Hide the HUD while the scene runs?


These vars are set by the SceneManager in it's Tick function. Don't mess with them directly.

float PctSceneComplete (transient) 
How much of the scene has finished running
MatAction CurrentAction (transient) 
The currently executing action
float SceneSpeed (transient) 
float TotalSceneTime (transient) 
The total time the scene will take to run (in seconds)
Actor Viewer (transient) 
The actor viewing this scene (the one being affected by the actions)
Pawn OldPawn (transient) 
The pawn we need to repossess when scene is over
bool bIsRunning (transient) 
If TRUE, this scene is executing.
bool bIsSceneStarted (transient) 
If TRUE, the scene has been initialized and is running
float CurrentTime (transient) 
Keeps track of the current time using the DeltaTime passed to Tick
array<vector> SampleLocations (transient) 
Sampled locations for camera movement
array<MatSubAction> SubActions (transient) 
The list of sub actions which will execute during this scene
Orientation CamOrientation (transient) 
The current camera orientation
Orientation PrevOrientation (transient) 
The previous orientation that was set
Interpolator RotInterpolator (transient) 
Interpolation helper for rotations
vector CameraShake (transient) 
The SubActionCameraShake effect fills this var in each frame
vector DollyOffset (transient) 
How far away we are from the actor we are locked to
bool bAbortCinematic (transient) 


var()	config	enum EAffect
} Affect;


struct Orientation
	var() ECamOrientation	CamOrientation;
	var() actor LookAt;
	var() actor DollyWith;
	var() float EaseIntime;
	var() int bReversePitch;
	var() int bReverseYaw;
	var() int bReverseRoll;
	var pointer MA;
	var float PctInStart, PctInEnd, PctInDuration;
	var rotator StartingRotation;
struct Interpolator
	var() int bDone;
	var() float _value;
	var() float _remainingTime;
	var() float _totalTime;
	var() float _speed;
	var() float _acceleration;


float GetTotalSceneTime() (native) 
AbortScene() (native) 
BeginPlay() (simulated) 
Initialized values and finds the affected actor, if available.
Trigger( Actor Other, Pawn EventInstigator ) 
Starts the matinee cutscene.


Called from C++ when the scene starts.
Called from C++ when the scene ends.

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