My program doesn't have bugs. It just develops random features.
Legacy:Static Mesh Package/AbaddonHardware
Pivot fixes:
- StaticMesh'AbaddonHardware.Beams.SupTopBeam01BA' – ( -3, 0, 0 )
Sample Images[edit]
- AbaddonHardware-Beams
- AbaddonHardware-Celings
- AbaddonHardware-Deco
- AbaddonHardware-Floors
- AbaddonHardware-LavaFormations
- AbaddonHardware-Lights
- AbaddonHardware-Miscellaneous
- AbaddonHardware-Pipes
- AbaddonHardware-WallPanels
Tarquin: Hi Plase slow down with the screenshot uploads. I'm not certain that a full list of images is worth the effort you've gone to. Please could you introduce yourself and tell us about what you're hoping to achieve here on Unreal Wiki? :) Mapper friend of mine was complaining that it was hard to go though the static mesh packages fast to find something, so I grabed a bunch of shots for him, then figured I should share. I'll stop if you'd like.
Thundercat: Have a look at the Smesh list thread on I've been working on a web based lookup with Static mesh pictures, if you want to put your pics on my site to be included in the db that'd be cool. Email me:
Tarquin: For Unreal Wiki, I'd rather we had something that went the other way: lists classified by type, like for example a list of pillars, or curved walkways, and where to find them: Static Mesh Package/Index
"Anon" : great page , i want more mesh pages like it
VoodooC: I love this too, if there's a better resource for browsing this stuff, please link to it from somewhere?