I love the smell of UnrealEd crashing in the morning. – tarquin
The UT2k4.ini file is a Game configuration file, it lets you modify alot of the gameplay, graphics and sound.
This file:
- sets up the paths for UT2k4
- stores configuration set in Class Syntax (by default; classes can specify another file)
- tells Ucc which packages to compile
- tells the game which packages to load
- tells UnrealEd which packages to load. It's here that you can add Custom Brushbuilders.
[FirstRun]: [Core.System]: [Engine.Engine]: [Engine.GameEngine] : //These are the packages the server running. ServerPackages= // Menu Classes MainMenuClass= ConnectingMenuClass= DisconnectMenuClass= LoadingClass= SinglePlayerMenuClass= [Engine.DemoRecDriver] : [Engine.GameReplicationInfo] : [Engine.Console] : [Engine.AccessControl] : [Engine.GameInfo] : [Engine.AmbientSound] : [Engine.LevelInfo] : [Engine.VoiceChatReplicationInfo] : [Engine.BroadcastHandler] : [Engine.NullRenderDevice] : [Engine.MaplistManager] : [IpServer.UdpServerQuery] : [IpDrv.MasterServerUplink] : [IpDrv.MasterServerLink] : [IpDrv.TcpNetDriver] : [IpDrv.HTTPDownload] : [IpDrv.UdpGamespyQuery] : [UWeb.WebServer] : [WinDrv.WindowsClient] : //Viewport settings WindowedViewportX= WindowedViewportY= FullscreenViewportX= FullscreenViewportY= MenuViewportX= MenuViewportY= [SDLDrv.SDLClient] : [D3DDrv.D3DRenderDevice] : [D3D9Drv.D3D9RenderDevice] : [OpenGLDrv.OpenGLRenderDevice] : [PixoDrv.PixoRenderDevice] : [ALAudio.ALAudioSubsystem] : [Editor.EditorEngine] : [UnrealEd.UnrealEdEngine] : [XInterface.ExtendedConsole] : [XInterface.MapListDeathMatch] : [XInterface.MapListTeamDeathMatch] : [XInterface.MapListCaptureTheFlag] : [XInterface.MapListDoubleDomination] : [XInterface.MapListBombingRun] : [XGame.xDeathMatch] : [XGame.xTeamGame] : [XGame.xCTFGame] : [XGame.xDoubleDom] : [XGame.xBombingRun] : [XGame.TeamRedConfigured] : [XGame.TeamBlueConfigured] : [XGame.UT2K4DMRoster] : [XGame.InstagibCTF] : [XGame.DMRosterConfigured] : [1on1TeamDeathmatch MaplistRecord] : [1on1Deathmatch MaplistRecord] : [DefaultDM MaplistRecord] : [DefaultTDM MaplistRecord] : [DefaultLMS MaplistRecord] : [DefaultMUT MaplistRecord] : [DefaultONS MaplistRecord] : [DefaultINV MaplistRecord] : [DefaultAS MaplistRecord] : [DefaultICTF MaplistRecord] : [DefaultBR MaplistRecord] : [DefaultCTF MaplistRecord] : [DefaultDOM2 MaplistRecord] : [DefaultVCTF MaplistRecord] : [DefaultDM0 MaplistRecord] : [DefaultTDM0 MaplistRecord] : [xVoting.xVotingHandler] : [xVoting.DefaultMapListLoader] : [UnrealGame.TeamGame] : [UnrealGame.DeathMatch] : [UnrealGame.UnrealMPGameInfo] : [UnrealGame.MutGameSpeed] : [BonusPack.xMutantGame] : [BonusPack.MapListMutant] : [BonusPack.xLastManStandingGame] : [BonusPack.MapListLastManStanding] : [Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame] : [OnslaughtFull.MutVehicleArena] : [Onslaught.ONSMapListOnslaught] : [UT2k4Assault.ASGameInfo] : [UT2K4Assault.ASMapList] : [SkaarjPack.Invasion] : [Skaarjpack.MapListSkaarjInvasion] :
- Game Ini File
- UT2004.ini
- UT2k4Mod.ini – For Epic's Mod system
- UT2k4 Default.ini – Used for generating UT2004.ini's
- UT2k4 DefaultUser.ini – Used for generating User.ini's
- UT2004.ini
- Other related stuff
OlympusMons: I reorganized them a bit if you want to see how they really are look in your ut2004.ini in the ut2k4\system dir. Please change if you dont like it.
Sir Brizz: What is the purpose of this page? And why is there a link to ITSELF in the links section?
OlympusMons: I guess I put this page here so people could share tweeks and comments about the ini file for ut2004. Really this page is just here because I added default, default user and ut2k4mod links so I thought it was relevant at the time. Also if you can get more indepth about the ini files it can help to get total conversions running a bit more slim line without the need for all the stuff that is related only to the gameplay itself not the engine. Well thats about right I hope, I could probably give a few more reasons but none are really as relevant as the ones listed above. I have removed the link thanks for spotting that.
Category:Legacy To Do – add more to this page, I hope.