Mostly Harmless


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UT :: UWindowBase >> UWindowLookAndFeel (Package: UWindow)

A GUI skin. This class has (almost) full control over how UT's windows, menus and dialog controls look like.

The UWindowLookAndFeel subclasses are a good example how to extend classes the wrong way: Although they only differ in the textures used they still declare the same variables and the same functions in the subclasses.


Texture (UT) Active 
Active widgets, window frames, etc. for windows without status bar.
Texture (UT) Inactive 
Inactive Widgets, window frames, etc. for windows without status bar.
Texture (UT) ActiveS 
Active widgets, window frames, etc. for windows with status bar.
Texture (UT) InactiveS 
Inactive widgets, window frames, etc. for windows with status bar.
Texture (UT) Misc 
Miscellaneous window elements. (used by UWindowWindow.DrawMiscBevel)
Region FrameTL 
Frame Title Left: The UpperLeft corner region of the frame. Used for drawing window frame.
Region FrameT 
Frame Title: The UpperMiddle region of the frame. Used for drawing window frame. Call for FrameT.H to get top border of the frame.
Region FrameTR 
Frame Title Left: The UpperRight corner region of the frame. Used for drawing window frame.
Region FrameL 
Frame Left: The LeftMiddle region of the frame. Used for drawing window frame. Call for FrameL.W to get left border of the frame.
Region FrameR 
Frame Title Right: The RightMiddle region of the frame. Used for drawing window frame. Call for FrameR.W to get right border of the frame.
Region FrameBL 
Frame Bottom Left: The BottomLeft corner region of the frame. Used for drawing window frame.
Region FrameB 
Frame Bottom: The BottomMiddle region of the frame. Used for drawing window frame. Call for FrameB.H to get bottom border of the frame.
Region FrameBR 
Frame Bottom Right: The BottomRight corner region of the frame. Used for drawing window frame.
Note: All subclasses declare additional Region properties for windows with a status bar: FrameSBL, FrameSB, FrameSBR. Use FrameSB.H to get height of the status bar. So the whole bottom border can be calculated as follows: FrameSB.H + FrameB.H.
Color FrameActiveTitleColor 
Color used for the title bar text of the active window.
Color FrameInactiveTitleColor 
Color used for the title bar text of inactive windows.
Color HeadingActiveTitleColor 
Color HeadingInActiveTitleColor 
int FrameTitleX, FrameTitleY 
Offset for drawing the title bar text.
Region BevelUpTL 
Region BevelUpT 
Region BevelUpTR 
Region BevelUpL 
Region BevelUpR 
Region BevelUpBL 
Region BevelUpB 
Region BevelUpBR 
Region BevelUpArea 
Region MiscBevelTL[4] 
Region MiscBevelT[4] 
Region MiscBevelTR[4] 
Region MiscBevelL[4] 
Region MiscBevelR[4] 
Region MiscBevelBL[4] 
Region MiscBevelB[4] 
Region MiscBevelBR[4] 
Region MiscBevelArea[4] 
Region ComboBtnUp 
Region ComboBtnDown 
Region ComboBtnDisabled 
int ColumnHeadingHeight 
Region HLine 
Color EditBoxTextColor 
int EditBoxBevel 
Region TabSelectedL 
Region TabSelectedM 
Region TabSelectedR 
Region TabUnselectedL 
Region TabUnselectedM 
Region TabUnselectedR 
Region TabBackground 
float Size_ScrollbarWidth 
float Size_ScrollbarButtonHeight 
Interchange W and H for horizontal SB's
float Size_MinScrollbarHeight 
float Size_TabAreaHeight 
The height of the clickable tab area
float Size_TabAreaOverhangHeight 
The height of the tab area overhang
float Size_TabSpacing 
float Size_TabXOffset 
float Pulldown_ItemHeight 
Height of individual menu items.
float Pulldown_VBorder 
Top and bottom border width.
float Pulldown_HBorder 
Left and right border width.
float Pulldown_TextBorder 
Additional text indention.


Texture (UT) GetTexture (UWindowFramedWindow W) 
Returns one of the textures Active, Inactive, ActiveS or InactiveS depending on whether the window is the active window and has a status bar.
Setup ( ) 
Called when the UWindowLookAndFeel is created.
FW_DrawWindowFrame (UWindowFramedWindow W, Canvas C) 
Region FW_GetClientArea (UWindowFramedWindow W) 
Returns the size of the window's client area.
FrameHitTest FW_HitTest (UWindowFramedWindow W, float X, float Y) 
FW_SetupFrameButtons (UWindowFramedWindow W, Canvas C) 
DrawClientArea (UWindowClientWindow W, Canvas C) 
Checkbox_SetupSizes (UWindowCheckbox W, Canvas C) 
Called by UWindowCheckbox.BeforePaint.
Checkbox_Draw (UWindowCheckbox W, Canvas C) 
Called by UWindowCheckbox.Paint. This is not used in the UT skins, because the checkbox control extends UWindowButton and uses its default drawing method.
Combo_SetupSizes (UWindowComboControl W, Canvas C) 
Combo_Draw (UWindowComboControl W, Canvas C) 
Combo_GetButtonBitmaps (UWindowComboButton W) 
Combo_SetupLeftButton (UWindowComboLeftButton W) 
Combo_SetupRightButton (UWindowComboRightButton W) 
ComboList_DrawBackground (UWindowComboList W, Canvas C) 
ComboList_DrawItem (UWindowComboList Combo, Canvas C, float X, float Y, float W, float H, string Text, bool bSelected) 
Editbox_SetupSizes (UWindowEditControl W, Canvas C) 
Editbox_Draw (UWindowEditControl W, Canvas C) 
SB_SetupUpButton (UWindowSBUpButton W) 
SB_SetupDownButton (UWindowSBDownButton W) 
SB_SetupLeftButton (UWindowSBLeftButton W) 
SB_SetupRightButton (UWindowSBRightButton W) 
SB_VDraw (UWindowVScrollbar W, Canvas C) 
SB_HDraw (UWindowHScrollbar W, Canvas C) 
Tab_DrawTab (UWindowTabControlTabArea Tab, Canvas C, bool bActiveTab, bool bLeftmostTab, float X, float Y, float W, float H, string Text, bool bShowText) 
Tab_GetTabSize (UWindowTabControlTabArea Tab, Canvas C, string Text, out float W, out float H) 
Tab_SetupLeftButton (UWindowTabControlLeftButton W) 
Tab_SetupRightButton (UWindowTabControlRightButton W) 
Tab_SetTabPageSize (UWindowPageControl W, UWindowPageWindow P) 
Tab_DrawTabPageArea (UWindowPageControl W, Canvas C, UWindowPageWindow P) 
Menu_DrawMenuBar (UWindowMenuBar W, Canvas C) 
Menu_DrawMenuBarItem (UWindowMenuBar B, UWindowMenuBarItem I, float X, float Y, float W, float H, Canvas C) 
Menu_DrawPulldownMenuBackground (UWindowPulldownMenu W, Canvas C) 
Menu_DrawPulldownMenuItem (UWindowPulldownMenu M, UWindowPulldownMenuItem Item, Canvas C, float X, float Y, float W, float H, bool bSelected) 
Button_DrawSmallButton (UWindowSmallButton B, Canvas C) 
PlayMenuSound (UWindowWindow W, MenuSound S) 
ControlFrame_SetupSizes (UWindowControlFrame W, Canvas C) 
ControlFrame_Draw (UWindowControlFrame W, Canvas C) 

Known Subclasses[edit]