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Revision as of 13:35, 25 May 2010 by Eliot (Talk | contribs) (Tags: Added 4 more tags.)

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Starting with Unreal Engine 3 UnrealScript supports Metadata for Variables which are used by UnrealEd to help out L.D.S (and any other kind of artists that use UnrealEd) to understand more about the variable by setting a friendly name for your variables and adding comments.


Metatags can be added for almost any variable type some of them are struct's, enum members and variables.

A metatag is placed at the end of a variable before the final semi colon like:

var [modifiers] type variablename<tag=value>;

You can also declare more than one metatag by separating them with | like:

var [modifiers] type variablename<tag1=value|tag2=value>;


String ToolTip3
Sets the ToolTip description to show in the UnrealEd's properties window, you can also add a /** ... */ comment above the variable's declaration and the UnrealScript compiler will automatic use that as ToolTip however you can still use the ToolTip tag to override the automatic set ToolTip.
String DisplayName3
Sets the variable's name to the specified DisplayName value in UnrealEd.
Variable EditCondition3
Makes the variable non-editable in UnrealEd if the specified value of this tag is false, and editable if the specified value of this tag is true.
Bool AllowAbstract3
Specifies whether the user can select abstract classes from the UnrealEd drop-down list.
Limitations: Only works for variables of type class<...>. [confirm]
Bool AutoComment3
The effect of this tag seems to be that the tagged variable's value is displayed in the sequence object's comment in the Kismet editor.
Limitations: Apparently this tag only works in SequenceObject(UDK, UT3) classes and also only if the class's bSuppressAutoComment property is set to false.
Bool FullyExpand3+[confirm]
Expand all sub nodes of this variable when expanded. [confirm]
Limitations: Only works for variables of type struct or editinline variables. [confirm]
Float UIMin3+[confirm]
The min value a user can input when editing this variable from a UI(User Interface).
Float UIMax3+[confirm]
The max value a user can input when editing this variable from a UI(User Interface).
Array ArrayClamp3+[confirm]
The max value of this variable is specified dynamicly by the specified array's length. This is useful if you want to let the developer set a Index value but the index value cannot be higher than the specified array's length. [confirm]
Int FixedIncrement3+[confirm]
Increment the value of this variable by the specified increment value. [confirm]
Int OrderIndex3+
Automatic set by the compiler if the variable is editable. [confirm]
Int ClampMin3+[confirm]
Int ClampMax3+[confirm]
Int Multiple3+[confirm]
Bool ScriptOrder3+[confirm]
Int MaxPropertyDepth3+[confirm]