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From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Page title matches
- Array of archetypes, one for each object in the prefab. Snapshot of Prefab used for thumbnail in the browser. ...944 bytes (120 words) - 10:11, 17 May 2008
- Array of archetypes, one for each object in the prefab. Snapshot of Prefab used for thumbnail in the browser. ...925 bytes (117 words) - 12:47, 6 November 2009
- The '''Prefab Browser''' is one of several [[Legacy:Resource Browser|Resource Browser]]s The prefab browser allows you to create and load prefabs: these are essentially collec ...6 KB (954 words) - 12:35, 8 January 2006
- 288 bytes (29 words) - 10:11, 17 May 2008
- 39 bytes (4 words) - 12:47, 6 November 2009
- 39 bytes (5 words) - 10:12, 17 May 2008
- 973 bytes (126 words) - 10:11, 17 May 2008
- 977 bytes (128 words) - 10:10, 17 May 2008
- 595 bytes (78 words) - 10:11, 17 May 2008
- 888 bytes (114 words) - 10:11, 17 May 2008
- 595 bytes (78 words) - 10:10, 17 May 2008
- 594 bytes (77 words) - 10:11, 17 May 2008
- 888 bytes (114 words) - 10:10, 17 May 2008
- 39 bytes (5 words) - 10:12, 17 May 2008
- 594 bytes (77 words) - 10:11, 17 May 2008
- 43 bytes (5 words) - 10:12, 17 May 2008
- 39 bytes (5 words) - 10:12, 17 May 2008
- 38 bytes (5 words) - 10:12, 17 May 2008
- 43 bytes (5 words) - 10:12, 17 May 2008
Page text matches
- Array of archetypes, one for each object in the prefab. Snapshot of Prefab used for thumbnail in the browser. ...944 bytes (120 words) - 10:11, 17 May 2008
- Array of archetypes, one for each object in the prefab. Snapshot of Prefab used for thumbnail in the browser. ...925 bytes (117 words) - 12:47, 6 November 2009
- The '''Prefab Browser''' is one of several [[Legacy:Resource Browser|Resource Browser]]s The prefab browser allows you to create and load prefabs: these are essentially collec ...6 KB (954 words) - 12:35, 8 January 2006
- This thumbnail renderer displays a given prefab ...247 bytes (26 words) - 10:11, 17 May 2008
- An Actor representing an instance of a Prefab in a level. Mapping from archetypes in the source prefab (TemplatePrefab) to instances of those archetypes in this PrefabInstance. ...3 KB (347 words) - 12:47, 6 November 2009
- An Actor representing an instance of a Prefab in a level. Mapping from archetypes in the source prefab (TemplatePrefab) to instances of those archetypes in this PrefabInstance. ...3 KB (343 words) - 10:11, 17 May 2008
- * [[Legacy:Prefab Browser|Prefab Browser]] ...863 bytes (122 words) - 08:37, 29 December 2008
- The prefab to use for normal items. Size of the selected prefab item. ...4 KB (410 words) - 06:48, 17 January 2010
- The prefab to use for normal items. Size of the selected prefab item. ...4 KB (415 words) - 10:11, 17 May 2008
- ...the bounding region for the prefab's widgets prior to becoming part of the prefab. This value is used as the initial size for PrefabInstances created from this prefab. ...4 KB (594 words) - 06:50, 17 January 2010
- Version number for this prefab when it was loaded from disk. Used to determine whether a modification to in this prefab should increment the PrefabVersion (i.e. PrefabVersion should only be incre ...4 KB (491 words) - 11:58, 30 November 2008
- # [[Legacy:Prefab Browser|Prefab Browser]]. ...2 KB (345 words) - 11:24, 16 May 2004
- ...UnrealEd 3.0. To create a [[Legacy:Static Mesh|static mesh]] from a brush/prefab in UnrealEd 3.0, simply select ''Create from Selection'' in the static mesh ...1 KB (195 words) - 15:15, 28 June 2009
- '''King Mango:'''When creating a prefab in UED2, I aligned all the textures as I wanted, rebuilt the level exported '''Gustavo6046:''' I made my TazerBox prefab textured well, but when I ran MeshMaker the resulting mesh had "viewport ic ...4 KB (709 words) - 16:41, 22 May 2015
- * [[Legacy:Prefab Browser|Prefab Browser]] ...5 KB (789 words) - 12:56, 14 December 2007