Worst-case scenario: the UEd Goblin wipes the map and burns down your house.

UE1:Behemoth (UT)

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UT Object >> Actor >> Pawn >> ScriptedPawn >> Brute >> Behemoth
This class in other games:
RTNP, U1, UT2003, UT2004


Default values[edit]

Property Value
bLeadTarget True
CollisionHeight 68.0
CollisionRadius 68.0
DrawScale 1.3
Health 500
Mass 500.0
ReFireRate 0.5
SightRadius 2000.0
Skin Texture'UnrealI.Skins.Brute2'
TransientSoundVolume 6.0
WhipDamage 35

Instance functions[edit]


function GoBerserk ()

Overrides: Brute.GoBerserk