Once I get that upgrade to 36-hour days, I will tackle that. – Mychaeel

UE1:RatedTeamInfo7 (UT)

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UT Object >> Actor >> Info >> RatedTeamInfo >> RatedTeamInfo7




Default values

Property Value
BotBio[0] "No profile available. Level 9 security clearance required."
BotBio[1] "No profile available. Level 9 security clearance required."
BotBio[2] "No profile available. Level 9 security clearance required."
BotBio[3] "No profile available. Level 9 security clearance required."
BotBio[4] "No profile available. Level 9 security clearance required."
BotBio[5] "No profile available. Level 9 security clearance required."
BotClasses[0] "MultiMesh.TSkaarjBot"
BotClasses[1] "MultiMesh.TSkaarjBot"
BotClasses[2] "MultiMesh.TSkaarjBot"
BotClasses[3] "MultiMesh.TSkaarjBot"
BotClasses[4] "MultiMesh.TSkaarjBot"
BotClasses[5] "MultiMesh.TSkaarjBot"
BotClassifications[0] "Classified: L9"
BotClassifications[1] "Classified: L9"
BotClassifications[2] "Classified: L9"
BotClassifications[3] "Classified: L9"
BotClassifications[4] "Classified: L9"
BotClassifications[5] "Classified: L9"
BotFaces[0] "TSkMSkins.Dominator"
BotFaces[1] "TSkMSkins.Berserker"
BotFaces[2] "TSkMSkins.Guardian"
BotFaces[3] "TSkMSkins.Dominator"
BotFaces[4] "TSkMSkins.Berserker"
BotFaces[5] "TSkMSkins.Guardian"
BotNames[0] "Dominator"
BotNames[1] "Berserker"
BotNames[2] "Guardian"
BotNames[3] "Devastator"
BotNames[4] "Pestilence"
BotNames[5] "Plague"
BotSkins[0] "TskmSkins.Warr"
BotSkins[1] "TskmSkins.Warr"
BotSkins[2] "TskmSkins.Warr"
BotSkins[3] "TskmSkins.Warr"
BotSkins[4] "TskmSkins.Warr"
BotSkins[5] "TskmSkins.Warr"
FemaleSkin "TSkmSkins.Warr"
MaleSkin "TSkmSkins.Warr"
TeamBio "The N.E.G. has long recognized the superiority of the Skaarj warrior as a military fighting machine, as was made clear in the brutal Human-Skaarj wars. The Skaarj Hybrid is the result of secret military genetic research using both human and Skaarj DNA performed after the capture of a Skaarj scout ship. If proven in Tournament battle, the Hybrids shall become a leading force in ground based ops."
TeamName "Red Claw"
TeamSymbol Texture'Botpack.TeamSymbols.TSkaarj1'