Always snap to grid

UE1:Info (UT)

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UT Object >> Actor >> Info


Direct subclasses:
AssaultInfo, ReplicationInfo, BotInfo, ChallengeBotInfo, ClientScriptedTexture, GameInfo, CodeMaster, EndStats, FontInfo, InternetInfo, Ladder, LocalMessage, MapList, MeshActor, Mutator, NewGameInterimObject, RatedMatchInfo, RatedTeamInfo, SavedMove, ScoreBoard, SelectionDude, ServerInfo, StatLog, TeamInfo, TestInfo, VoicePack, ZoneInfo
This class in other games:
RTNP, U1, U2XMP, UT2003, U2, UE2Runtime, UT2004, UT3, UDK

Info, the root of all information holding classes.

Default values[edit]

Property Value
bHidden True
NetUpdateFrequency 4.0