UE2:UT2K4SP_TeamRoles defaults (UT2004)

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Revision as of 09:10, 17 May 2008 by Wormbo (talk | contribs) (Auto-generated page)
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Default values

Property Value
DefaultHeight 0.88
DefaultLeft 0.0
DefaultTop 0.06
DefaultWidth 1.0
WinHeight 0.88
WinLeft 0.0
WinTop 0.06
WinWidth 1.0



Class: XInterface.GUIButton

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
Caption "OK"
FontScale FNS_Small
OnClick InternalOnClick
RenderWeight 0.2
TabOrder 1
WinHeight 0.04
WinLeft 0.764064
WinTop 0.912292
WinWidth 0.2


Class: XInterface.GUIButton

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
Caption "CANCEL"
FontScale FNS_Small
OnClick InternalOnClick
RenderWeight 0.2
TabOrder 2
WinHeight 0.04
WinLeft 0.532813
WinTop 0.912292
WinWidth 0.2


Class: XInterface.GUILabel

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bMultiLine True
Caption "Balance: %balance%"
RenderWeight 0.2
StyleName "TextLabel"
TextAlign TXTA_Right
WinHeight 0.04
WinLeft 0.556563
WinTop 0.049999
WinWidth 0.415


Class: XInterface.GUILabel

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bMultiLine True
Caption "%gametype% in %map% with %teammates% team mates"
RenderWeight 0.2
StyleName "TextLabel"
TextAlign TXTA_Center
WinHeight 0.05875
WinLeft 0.032813
WinTop 0.1
WinWidth 0.931251


Class: XInterface.GUILabel

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bMultiLine True
Caption "You do not have enough money to pay this team's minimal fee"
RenderWeight 0.2
ShadowOffsetX 1.0
ShadowOffsetY 1.0
TextAlign TXTA_Center
Member Value
A 255
B 0
G 0
R 228
WinHeight 0.1025
WinLeft 0.532813
WinTop 0.758334
WinWidth 0.43125


Class: XInterface.GUILabel

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
Caption "Team roster"
FontScale FNS_Large
RenderWeight 0.2
StyleName "TextLabel"
TextAlign TXTA_Center
WinHeight 0.065
WinLeft 0.089063
WinTop 0.041666
WinWidth 0.806251


Class: XInterface.GUIScrollTextBox

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bNoTeletype True
bVisibleWhenEmpty True
FontScale FNS_Medium
RenderWeight 0.2
TabOrder 3
WinHeight 0.2125
WinLeft 0.0325
WinTop 0.726666
WinWidth 0.46875