UE2:UT2K4SP_TeamRoles defaults (UT2004)

From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site

Default values

Property Value
DefaultHeight 0.88
DefaultLeft 0.0
DefaultTop 0.06
DefaultWidth 1.0
WinHeight 0.88
WinLeft 0.0
WinTop 0.06
WinWidth 1.0



Class: XInterface.GUIButton

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
Caption "OK"
FontScale FNS_Small
OnClick InternalOnClick
RenderWeight 0.2
TabOrder 1
WinHeight 0.04
WinLeft 0.764064
WinTop 0.912292
WinWidth 0.2


Class: XInterface.GUIButton

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
Caption "CANCEL"
FontScale FNS_Small
OnClick InternalOnClick
RenderWeight 0.2
TabOrder 2
WinHeight 0.04
WinLeft 0.532813
WinTop 0.912292
WinWidth 0.2


Class: XInterface.GUILabel

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bMultiLine True
Caption "Balance: %balance%"
RenderWeight 0.2
StyleName "TextLabel"
TextAlign TXTA_Right
WinHeight 0.04
WinLeft 0.556563
WinTop 0.049999
WinWidth 0.415


Class: XInterface.GUILabel

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bMultiLine True
Caption "%gametype% in %map% with %teammates% team mates"
RenderWeight 0.2
StyleName "TextLabel"
TextAlign TXTA_Center
WinHeight 0.05875
WinLeft 0.032813
WinTop 0.1
WinWidth 0.931251


Class: XInterface.GUILabel

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bMultiLine True
Caption "You do not have enough money to pay this team's minimal fee"
RenderWeight 0.2
ShadowOffsetX 1.0
ShadowOffsetY 1.0
TextAlign TXTA_Center
Member Value
A 255
B 0
G 0
R 228
WinHeight 0.1025
WinLeft 0.532813
WinTop 0.758334
WinWidth 0.43125


Class: XInterface.GUILabel

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
Caption "Team roster"
FontScale FNS_Large
RenderWeight 0.2
StyleName "TextLabel"
TextAlign TXTA_Center
WinHeight 0.065
WinLeft 0.089063
WinTop 0.041666
WinWidth 0.806251


Class: XInterface.GUIScrollTextBox

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bNoTeletype True
bVisibleWhenEmpty True
FontScale FNS_Medium
RenderWeight 0.2
TabOrder 3
WinHeight 0.2125
WinLeft 0.0325
WinTop 0.726666
WinWidth 0.46875