UE3:AmbientOcclusionEffect (UDK)
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Object >> PostProcessEffect >> AmbientOcclusionEffect |
- Package:
- Engine
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AmbientOcclusionEffect - A screen space ambient occlusion implementation.
Property group 'AmbientOcclusionEffect'
Type: bool
New experimental SSAO improvements, can change the look.
Property group 'Color'
Type: float
Minimum occlusion value after all other transforms have been applied.
Default value: 0.1
Type: float
Bias to apply to the calculated occlusion value.
Type: Object.LinearColor
Modifiers: interp
The color that will replace scene color where there is a lot of occlusion.
Default value:
Member | Value |
A | 1.0 |
B | 0.0 |
G | 0.0 |
R | 0.0 |
Type: float
Power to apply to the calculated occlusion value. Higher powers result in more contrast, but will need other factors like OcclusionScale to be tweaked as well.
Default value: 4.0
Type: float
Scale to apply to the calculated occlusion value.
Default value: 20.0
Property group 'Filter'
Type: float
Scale factor to increase EdgeDistanceThreshold for distant pixels. A value of .001 would result in EdgeDistanceThreshold being 1 unit larger at a distance of 1000 world units.
Default value: 0.0030
Type: float
Difference in depth that two pixels must be to be considered an edge, and therefore not blurred across, in world units.
Default value: 10.0
Type: float
Distance in world units which should map to the kernel size in screen space. This is useful to reduce filter kernel size for distant pixels and keep detail, at the cost of leaving more noise in the result.
Default value: 10.0
Type: int
Size of the blur filter, in pixels.
Default value: 12
Property group 'Halo'
Type: float
Scale factor to increase HaloDistanceThreshold for distant pixels. A value of .001 would result in HaloDistanceThreshold being 1 unit larger at a distance of 1000 world units.
Default value: 0.1
Type: float
Distance in front of a pixel that an occluder must be to be considered a different object, in world units. This threshold is used to identify halo regions around nearby objects, for example a first person weapon.
Default value: 40.0
Type: float
Occlusion factor to assign to samples determined to be contributing to a halo. 0 would result in full occlusion for that sample, increasing values map to quadratically decreasing occlusion values.
Default value: 0.04
Property group 'History'
Type: float
Time in which the occlusion history should approximately converge. Longer times (.5s) allow more smoothing between frames and less noise but history streaking is more noticeable. 0 means the feature is off (less GPU performance and memory overhead)
Default value: 0.5
Property group 'Occlusion'
Type: float
Attenuation factor that determines how much to weigh in samples based on distance, larger values result in a faster falloff over distance.
Default value: 50.0
Type: float
Distance at which the occlusion factor should be fully faded, in world units.
Default value: 4500.0
Type: float
Distance at which to start fading out the occlusion factor, in world units. This is useful for hiding distant artifacts on skyboxes.
Default value: 4000.0
Type: EAmbientOcclusionQuality
Quality of the ambient occlusion effect. Low quality gives the best performance and is appropriate for gameplay. Medium quality smooths noise between frames at a slightly higher performance cost. High quality uses extra samples to preserve detail.
Default value: AO_Medium
Type: float
Distance to check around each pixel for occluders, in world units.
Default value: 25.0
Internal variables
Type: float
Time in which the weight history should approximately converge.
Default value: 0.07
Default values
Property | Value |
bAffectsLightingOnly | True |
SceneDPG | SDPG_World |
- AO_High
- AO_Medium
- AO_Low