UE3:CoverLink structs (UDK)

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CoverLink structs in other games:



Modifiers: immutablewhencooked, native

Utility struct for referencing cover link slots.

CoverLink Link
int SlotIdx


Extends: Actor.ActorReference

Modifiers: immutablewhencooked, native

int SlotIdx
Slot referenced in the link
int Direction
Direction, used for swat/slip


Modifiers: immutablewhencooked, native

Contains information for a cover slot that a player can occupy

Pawn SlotOwner
Current owner of this slot
float SlotValidAfterTime
Slot is invalid until world.timeseconds is >= this value (allows temporary disabling of slots)
ECoverType ForceCoverType
Gives LDs ability to force the type - CT_None == auto find
ECoverType CoverType
Type of cover this slot provides
Object.Vector LocationOffset
Offset from node location for this slot
Object.Rotator RotationOffset
Offset from node rotation for this slot
array<ECoverAction> Actions
List of actions possible from this slot
array<FireLink> FireLinks
List of all attackable nodes
array<FireLink> ForcedFireLinks
array<FireLink> RejectedFireLinks
List of coverlinks/slots that couldn't be shot at - used by COVERLINK_DYNAMIC
array<ExposedLink> ExposedFireLinks
List of targets that are flanked by this slot
array<DangerLink> DangerLinks
List of nav points that are dangerous to path through when this slot is occupied
array<CoverReference> TurnTarget
Fixme: can't these be a static 2 element array and eliminate the direction parameter in CoverReference?
array<SlotMoveRef> SlipRefs
Info about where cover slip can move to
array<CoverReference> OverlapClaims
List of cover slots that should be claimed when this slot is claimed

because they are overlapping

bool bLeanLeft
Can we lean left/right to shoot from this slot?
bool bLeanRight
Can we lean left/right to shoot from this slot?
bool bForceCanPopUp
Can we popup?
bool bCanPopUp
bool bCanMantle
Can we mantle over this cover?
bool bCanClimbUp
Can we mantle up?
bool bForceCanCoverSlip_Left
Can cover slip at this slot?
bool bForceCanCoverSlip_Right
Can cover slip at this slot?
bool bCanCoverSlip_Left
bool bCanCoverSlip_Right
bool bCanSwatTurn_Left
Can swat turn at this slot?
bool bCanSwatTurn_Right
Can swat turn at this slot?
bool bEnabled
Is this slot currently enabled?
bool bAllowPopup
Is popping up allowed for midlevel/crouching cover?
bool bAllowMantle
Is mantling allowed here?
bool bAllowCoverSlip
Is cover slip allowed?
bool bAllowClimbUp
Is climbing up allowed here?
bool bAllowSwatTurn
Is swat turn allowed?
bool bForceNoGroundAdjust
if this is on ground adjustments will be skipped
bool bPlayerOnly
Slot can only be used by players, not AI
bool bSelected
Is this slot currently selected for editing?
int ExtraCost
extra AI navigation cost to assign to this slot
float LeanTraceDist
How far auto adjust code traces forward from lean fire point

to determine if the lean has a valid fire line

CoverSlotMarker SlotMarker
Slot marker to allow the slot to exist on the navigation network
ECoverLocationDescription LocationDescription
Per-slot description tag. If _None, fall back to the description in the CoverLink.
bool bFailedToFindSurface
Map Error: Cover slot failed to find surface to align to

Default values:

Property Value
bAllowClimbUp False
bAllowCoverSlip True
bAllowMantle True
bAllowPopup True
bAllowSwatTurn True
bCanClimbUp False
bCanCoverSlip_Left True
bCanCoverSlip_Right True
bCanMantle True
bCanSwatTurn_Left True
bCanSwatTurn_Right True
bEnabled True
LeanTraceDist 64.0


Modifiers: immutablewhencooked, native

Utility struct to reference a position in cover

CoverLink Link
CoverLink holding cover position
int LtSlotIdx
Index of left bounding slot
int RtSlotIdx
Index of right bounding slot
float LtToRtPct
Pct of distance Location is, between left and right slots
Object.Vector Location
Location in cover
Object.Vector Normal
Normal vector, used to define direction. Pointing from Location away from Wall.
Object.Vector Tangent
Tangent vector, gives alignement of cover. With multiple slots cover, this gives the direction from Left to Right slots.

Default values:

Property Value
LtSlotIdx -1
LtToRtPct 0.0
RtSlotIdx -1


Modifiers: immutablewhencooked, native

Contains information about navigation points slot poses a threat to

Actor.ActorReference DangerNav
Navigation point that is in danger from this slot
int DangerCost
Added cost to navigation point


Modifiers: immutablewhencooked, native

Object.Vector LastTargetLocation
Location of the target when this FireLink was created/updated (Used for tracking CoverLink_Dynamic)
Object.Vector LastSrcLocation
Location of the src when this FireLink was created/updated (Used for tracking CoverLink_Dynamic)


Modifiers: immutablewhencooked, native

Contains information about other cover nodes this node is exposed to (ie flanked by)

CoverReference TargetActor
Slot that is dangerous to this link
byte ExposedScale
Scale of how dangerous this exposure is

(0,255] -- ~0 = not very dangerous, 255 = extremely dangerous


Modifiers: immutablewhencooked, native

Contains information about what other cover nodes this node is capable of firing on.

CoverReference TargetActor
Target slot
array<FireLinkItem> Items
List of fire link items
byte DynamicLinkInfoIndex
index into DynamicLinkInfo array (if this coverlink or targetactor is dynamic)
byte DynamicLinkInfoIndexHigh
high byte of index into DynamicLinkInfo array (if this coverlink or targetactor is dynamic)
bool bDynamicIndexInited
Whether DynamicLinkInfoIndex has been initialized
bool bFallbackLink
Is this link considered a fallback link? (Shouldn't be desired, but is acceptable)


Modifiers: immutablewhencooked, native

Contains specific links between SOURCE actions/postures to DEST actions/postures

ECoverType SrcType
CT_Standing/CT_MidLevel for source
ECoverAction SrcAction
Action for source
ECoverType DestType
CT_Standing/CT_MidLevel for source
ECoverAction DestAction
Action for source


Modifiers: immutablewhencooked, native

CoverLink Link
Cover link reference
array<int> Slots
List of relevant slots


Modifiers: immutablewhencooked, native

Pylon.PolyReference Poly
Actor.BasedPosition Dest
int Direction


Modifiers: immutablewhencooked, native

Actor Target
int SlotIdx
Used if Target is a CoverLink
int Direction
-1 -> Left, 0 -> Center, +1 -> Right