UE3:Actor structs (UDK)

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UDK Object >> Actor (structs)
Actor structs in other games:
Other member categories for this class:



Modifiers: immutablewhencooked, native

Struct used for cross level actor references

Actor Actor
Object.Guid Guid


Modifiers: native, transient

Used to indicate each slot name and how many channels they have.

name SlotName
Name of the slot.
int NumChannels
Number of channels that are available in this slot.


Modifiers: native, transient

Struct used for passing information from Matinee to an Actor for blending animations during a sequence.

name SlotName
Name of slot that we want to play the animtion in.
array<float> ChannelWeights
Strength of each Channel within this Slot. Channel indexs are determined by track order in Matinee.


Modifiers: native

Struct for handling positions relative to a base actor, which is potentially moving

Actor Base
Object.Vector Position
Object.Vector CachedBaseLocation
Object.Rotator CachedBaseRotation
Object.Vector CachedTransPosition


Information about an overall collision, including contacts

Warning: C++ mirroring is in UnPhysPublic.h

array<RigidBodyContactInfo> ContactInfos
all the contact points in the collision
Object.Vector TotalNormalForceVector
the total force applied as the two objects push against each other
Object.Vector TotalFrictionForceVector
the total counterforce applied of the two objects sliding against each other


Modifiers: native, transient

Hit definition struct. Mainly used by Instant Hit Weapons.

Actor HitActor
Actor Hit
Object.Vector HitLocation
world location of hit impact
Object.Vector HitNormal
Hit normal of impact
Object.Vector RayDir
Direction of ray when hitting actor
Object.Vector StartTrace
Start location of trace
TraceHitInfo HitInfo
Trace Hit Info (material, bonename...)


Modifiers: immutablewhencooked, native

NavigationPoint Nav
Object.Guid Guid


Modifiers: native

Struct used to pass back information for physical impact effect

float Threshold
float ReFireDelay
ParticleSystem Effect
SoundCue Sound


Modifiers: native

Object.Vector AppliedImpulse
contains DamageRadius in X and damageimpulse in y for radial impulse
Object.Vector HitLocation
HurtOrigin for radial impulse
name BoneName
byte ImpulseCount
bool bRadialImpulse


Information about one contact between a pair of rigid bodies

Warning: C++ mirroring is in UnPhysPublic.h

Object.Vector ContactPosition
Object.Vector ContactNormal
float ContactPenetration
Object.Vector ContactVelocity[2]
PhysicalMaterial PhysMaterial[2]


describes the physical state of a rigid body

Warning: C++ mirroring is in UnPhysPublic.h

Object.Vector Position
Object.Quat Quaternion
Object.Vector LinVel
RBSTATE_LINVELSCALE times actual (precision reasons)
Object.Vector AngVel
RBSTATE_ANGVELSCALE times actual (precision reasons)
byte bNewData


Modifiers: native

bool bLoop
bool bPaused
name FuncName
float Rate
float Count
float TimerTimeDilation
Object TimerObj

Default values:

Property Value
TimerTimeDilation 1.0


Modifiers: native, transient

Material Material
Material we hit.
PhysicalMaterial PhysMaterial
The Physical Material that was hit
int Item
Extra info about thing we hit.
int LevelIndex
Level index, if we hit BSP.
name BoneName
Name of bone if we hit a skeletal mesh.
PrimitiveComponent HitComponent
Component of the actor that we hit.